@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003227, author = {金城, 俊夫 and 宮城, 直 and Kinjo, Toshio and Miyagi, Naoshi}, issue = {25}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {沖縄県における豚トキソプラズマ症の発生は他府県のそれより高率である。その原因究明の手がかりを得るため, 豚小屋周辺に棲息する野生小動物におけるトキソプラズマ症の浸淫状況を血清学的に調査することにした。今回は食虫目に属するリュウキュウジャコウネズミを対象に, 血球凝集反応(マイクロタイター法)によるトキソプラズマ抗体の検出を試みた。供試したリュウキュウジャコウネズミは157匹で, うち138匹は10ケ所の豚小屋より, 19匹は2ケ所の民家周辺より採取した。157匹中, 血球凝集抗体陽性例(≧1 : 512)は82匹52.2%, 疑陽性例(1 : 256)は15匹9.6%, 陰性例(≦1 : 128)は60匹38.2%で, 高率にトキソプラズマに汚染されていることが示唆された。採取場所によって抗体分布に若干のばらつきはみられたが, 有意差はなかった。また同様, 抗体分布に性や妊娠による差も認められなかった。26匹(陽性3,疑陽性2,陰性21)についてトキソプラズマの分離をマウスを用いて試みたが, 全例陰性に終った。リュウキュウジャコウネズミにおける抗体分布は上記のようにかなり高率であるが, 豚トキソプラズマ症の疫学上の役割については尚不明で, 今後の研究を必要とする。, House shrew (Suncus murinus riukiuanus) was tested for antibody against Toxoplasma gondii. A total of 157 animals, of which 138 were collected from 10 pig-premises and 19 from residential farm houses, were tested by the microtiter indirect hemagglutination method. Agglutination at 1 : 512 or higher serum dilution was considered to be a positive reaction. Of 157 house shrews tested, 82 (52.2%) were seropositive for Toxoplasma gondii. Fifteen (9.6%) were suspicious positive with antibody titer of 1 : 256,and other 60 (38.2%) seronegative with 1 : 128 or lower. No significant difference in the antibody prevalence of the house shrews by sex and pregnancy was observed. Also, there was no difference in prevalence according to pig-premises from which the house shrews originated. No toxoplasma parasite was isolated by mouse inoculation from 26 house shrews tested. But of these 26 tested, only 3 were seropositive, and of the remaining 23,2 were suspicious positive and 21 seronegative. The serological findings presented here indicated that the house shrews had been highly infected with Toxoplasma gondii. However, whether house shrews play any role in the epidemiolgy of toxoplasmosis in pigs needs further investigation., 紀要論文}, pages = {389--398}, title = {沖縄のリュウキュウジャコウネズミ (Suncus murinus riukiuanus) におけるトキソプラズマ抗体の調査(畜産学科)}, year = {1978} }