@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003230, author = {日越, 博信 and 浜田, 輔一 and Higoshi, Hironobu and Hamada, Sukekazu}, issue = {25}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {食肉類の低温細菌による汚染状況の調査を行なうとともに, それら食肉類から分離される本細菌の性質を知る目的で, 新鮮肉および冷凍肉から5℃10日または20℃4日培養で分離された1,434株について, 同定を試み, 次いで培養温度を異にした場合の増殖試験を行ない, 次のような成績を得た。新鮮肉の5℃分離537株ではAlcaligenes-Achromobacter, Pseudomonas, Flavobacteriumなどのグラム陰性桿菌が79%を占めた。同20℃分離614株では, グラム陽性の桿菌および球菌が約70%を占めたが, Flavobacteriumも18%あった。冷凍肉の5℃および20℃分離株, 計283株では, 分離した温度に関係なくPseudomonasが60%以上を占めた。4種培養温度での増殖試験において, 新鮮肉の5℃分離株では17%が0℃培養で増殖できなかったが, これらはMicrococcus, Flavobacterium, Yeastなどに多かった。また同5℃分離株の65%は35℃培養で増殖できなかった。一方, 新鮮肉の20℃分離株では, 70%が5℃培養で, また40%が0℃培養で増殖した。他方, 冷凍肉の5℃および20℃分離株では, ほとんどすべての菌株が0℃培養で増殖でき, しかも大多数の菌株が良好な増殖を示した。しかし, 35℃培養では大多数の菌株が, 逆に増殖できなかった。20℃4日培養で分離された菌株は, 冷凍肉由来のすべてと新鮮肉由来の70%が低温細菌に包含されることから, 本培養法は特に比較的長期間冷凍または冷蔵保存された食品類において, 低温細菌の迅速な検出法として応用できると思われる。, A total of 1,434 strains isolated by incubation at 5℃ for 10 days or at 20℃ for 4 days from fresh meat (veal, beef and pork; 151 samples in all) immediately upon dressing at slaughterhouse and frozen meat (veal which had been preserved at -10℃ for approximately 4 weeks; 29 samples) were identified and tested their growth abilities at 0℃ for 14 days, 5℃ for 10 days, 20℃ for 4 days and 35℃ for 2 days incubation respectively. The results obtained are summerized as follows : Gram-negative bacilli such as Alcaligenes-Achromobacter, pseudomonas and Flavobacterium accounted for 79% of the 537 strains isolated at 5℃ incubation from fresh meat. Approximately 70% of the 614 strains isolated at 20℃ incubation from the same type of source were gram-positive bacilli and cocci while Flavobacterium accounted for about 18%. By contrast, Pseudomonas constituted over 60% of all organisms (136 strains isolated at 5℃, 147 strains isolated at 20℃) from frozen meat, irrespective of incubation temperature. In the growth test at differnt incubation temperatures, of the 537 strains isolated at 5℃ incubation from fresh meat, 17% failed to grow at 0℃ and these were frequently of the genera Micrococcus and Flavobacterium or yeast. Sixty-five percent of the same population was unable to grow at 35℃. Of the 614 strains isolated at 20℃ incubation from fresh meat, 70% was able to grow at 5℃, 40% at 0℃. Of the 283 strains isolated at 5℃ and 20℃ incubation from frozen meat, practically all strains proved to be capable of growth at 0℃, mostly satisfactorily, but the majority failed to grow at 35℃. It would follow from these finding that incubation at 20℃ for 4 days is applicable as a rapid method for detection of psychrotrophic bacteria in samples of foodstuff preserved frozen or refrigerated over a relatively extend period such as the frozen meat used in this study., 紀要論文}, pages = {421--428}, title = {食肉類の低温細菌について(畜産学科)}, year = {1978} }