@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003235, author = {砂川, 季昭 and 田場, 和雄 and 平田, 永二 and SuNakawa, Sueaki and Taba, Kazuo and Hirata, Eiji}, issue = {25}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {本調査は, エゴノキ林分の適切な施業法を確立するために行なうものである。今回は, その立木本数の変化と生長量について考察を試みた。1)本調査地の立木本数は2年間で全本数(1,317本)の約9%(121本)の枯損木が生じ, その約85%までが3cm以下の小径木で占められている。すなわち, 被圧の影響が大きいことを示している。また, 立木本数は, 5cm以下では減少するが, それ以上では逆に増加する傾向を示す。2)連年直径生長量は0∿1.1cmの範囲にあるが, 直径に比例して増加する傾向が認められる。連年直径生長量の平均は0.29cmと計算される。3)連年樹高生長量と直径との関係は, 二次式で表わすことができ, 直径の増加に伴って増加する傾向を示す。連年樹高生長量の範囲は0∿1.9mで平均は0.43mである。(4)連年材積生長量は, 8.96m^3と比較的良好な生長を示している。, This research was done in order to determine the management method of Egonoki (Styrax japonica S. & Z.) forest. In this paper, the annual increments of young stand which was 8 years old were clarified. The results of the research are as follows : 1) The number of trees in the experimental stand was decreased by approximately 9% (121 in number) in about two years (Mar. 1974 to Dec. 1975), and about 85% of that was covered with the trees less than 3cm in diameter at breast height. On the other hand, the number of trees over 5cm in diameter had a tendency to increase. 2) the current annual growth of the diameter at breast height increased linearly with the increase of diameter, and the mean of that was 0.29cm. 3) The current annual growth of height had a quadratic curve with a gentle slope, and the mean of that was estimated to be 0.43m. 4) The current annual growth of volume was 8.96m^3,which was considered to be an excellent growth relatively. The volume equation for the estimation of volume growth is expressed as follows : log V=-4.0499+1.9784log D+0.6732log H, 紀要論文}, pages = {643--651}, title = {エゴノキの施業について (I)(林学科)}, year = {1978} }