@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003248, author = {与那覇, 哲義 and Yonaha, Tetsuyoshi}, issue = {24}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {1973年沖縄県石垣市で採集したパパヤの黄斑モザイク病株から分離されたウイルスの実験を行なった。本ウイルスの寄主範囲はパパヤに限られる。パパヤ病株の病徴は, 葉に黄色あるいは黄白色の斑紋が葉脈に沿って現われたり, また葉全体が退緑症状を呈し, 脈えそが現われる。茎や葉柄には濃緑色の長楕円形の輪紋および条斑が現われる。果実には初め退緑斑点が現われ, これが後に拡大ゆ合してふくれあがり, その周囲に淡褐色の条斑や輪状斑を生ずる。本ウイルスは, 汁液伝染し, またモモアカアブラムシにより非永続的に伝搬される。ウイルスの耐熱性(10分)は50∿53C, 耐希釈性は10^<-2>∿10^<-3>および耐保存性(20C)は12∿18時間にあった。ウイルス粒子のnormal lengthは760nm, 幅が約12nmの硬いひも状粒子である。本ウイルスと本県のpapaya ringspot virusとの干渉効果は認められない。, A previous paper reported on papaya ringspot virus, which is widely distributed in Okinawa Prefecture A new virus was isolated from papaya, showing yellow mottle and being found in Ishigaki city, the Yaeyama Islands. The present paper was concerned with the host range, symptoms, physical properties, aphid transmission, cross protection and electron microscopic properties of the virus. The host range appeared to be restricted to papaya. Inoculated papaya plants showed the chlorotic spot scattering over younger leaves and green spot on the stem in about 10 to 15 days after inoculation during summer season. These spots were followed by yellow mottle along the vein and vein necrosis in the leaves. Concentric green rings or spots were developed on the stem and petioles. A few chlorotic spot with center green were formed on the younger fruit. The spots were coalesce to form larger and slightly elevated spots, and dark green or brownish were produced surrounding the spot. The virus was transmitted by sap inoculation and also by Myzus persicae in non-persistent manner but a low rate. The virus was inactivated in 10 minutes at temperatures between 50C and 53C, in 12 to 18 hours with aging at 20C. Dilution end point was between 10^<-2> and 10^<-3>. The normal length of virus particles observed in negatively stained and partially purified preparation was about 760nm long and about 12nm in width. There was no cross protection between tested virus and papaya ringsopt virus reported in Okinawa., 紀要論文}, pages = {169--179}, title = {パパヤから分離されたウイルス : 第 2 報パパヤ葉に黄斑紋および脈えそ症状を示すウイルスについて(農学科)}, year = {1977} }