@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003267, author = {金城, 俊夫 and 島袋, 保郎 and 玉城, 政信 and Kinjo, Toshio and Shimabukuro, Yasuo and Tamaki, Masanobu}, issue = {24}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {畜産食品のR因子保有大腸菌による汚染状況を調べる目的で, 市販の包装された鶏肉および豚肉を対象に大腸菌を分離し, APC, SM, TC, CP, KM, SAの6剤を用いて, 薬剤耐性試験と, 耐性菌についてはR因子の検索を行った。1.鶏肉由来169株中153株, 90.5%が何れかの薬剤に耐性を示す耐性菌であった。個々の薬剤別の耐性率は, TCで最も高く72.8%で, 次いでSA(59.2%), SM(47.9%), KM(23.7%)の順であった。耐性型ではSM-TC-SAの3剤型, SM-TC-KM-SAの4剤型およびTCの単剤型が多く, これら3型で全耐性菌の46.4%を占めた。2.耐性菌153株中38株, 24.8%にR因子が確認され, 伝達耐性型としてはSM, TC或いはSM-TC型が主で, SA型は比較的少なかった。3.豚肉由来156株中, 耐性菌は75株, 48.1%に認められた。薬剤別ではTC或いはSM耐性菌が多く, 何れも39.1%で, 次いでKM(29.5%), SA(21.2%)の順に検出された。耐性型としては, SM-TC-KMの3剤耐性型が多く, この型だけで全耐性菌の1/3を占めている。4.R因子は耐性菌中21.3%, 16株に検出されたが, その耐性型はSM-SA, SA, SMが主であった。5.上記肉由来菌の成績を対応する動物の糞便由来大腸菌のそれと比較し, 食肉の糞便由来菌による汚染, 特に薬剤耐性を伝達するR因子保有大腸菌による汚染の可能性について考察した。, Three-hundred and twenty-five (325) E. coli examined were isolated from packaged broiler chickens and porks purchased from retail markets. Of the 169 chicken isolates, 153 (90.5%) were resistant to at least one of 6 drugs (APC, SM, TC, CP, KM and SA) tested; TC resistant strains were most frequently (72.8%), followed by SA (59.2%), SM (47.9%) and KM (23.7%) resistant strains. Three of the most commonly found resistance patterns were SM-TC-SA, SM-TC-KM-SA and TC. Out of the 153 resistant strains, 38 (24.8%) transferred a part or all of their resistance patterns to sensitive recipients. Most commonly encountered pattern of R factors was SM, followed by TC and SM-TC. On the other hand, of the 156 pork isolates, 75 (48.1%) were resistant to one or more of the 6 drugs tested; 61 (39.1%) showed resistant to TC and SM, 46 (29.5%) to KM and 33 (21.2%) to SA. About one-third of the resistant strains had a triple (SM-TC-KM) resistance pattern. R factors were demonstrated in 16 strains (21.3%). SM-SA was most frequently encountered pattern of R factors, followed by SM and SA. Possibility of carcass contamination with drug resistant fecal E. coli of same animal was discussed., 紀要論文}, pages = {475--486}, title = {沖縄の家畜由来細菌の薬剤耐性 : IV. 鶏肉および豚肉より分離された薬剤耐性大腸菌とその R 因子(畜産学科)}, year = {1977} }