@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003272, author = {仲間, 勇栄 and 篠原, 武夫 and Nakama, Yuei and Shinohara, Takeo}, issue = {24}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {以上みてきたように, 戦後の島産材市場の特徴は, 前半は薪炭材, 後半は輸出パルプ, チップ材中心であったことがわかる。島内だけに限ってみると, 軍工事や一般建築の動向に規定されたものであった。これらのことは, 島内に建築用材として適当な大径木がなく, 小径木しか生産できないために, 量的にも質的にも外材によって規定され, 島産材市場は外材市場の中にあって, 付随的なかたちでしか展開することができなかった。このように, 島産材市場が衰退していった直接的な要因は, (1)戦前戦後の乱伐によって, 木材需要の増大に対応できる森林資源が枯渇していったこと, (2)既存の森林資源の利用・開発が遅れていること, などの生産基盤の脆弱性を指摘することができるが, 間接的には, 米軍支配下における, 本県林業施策の貧困化が, 大きな要因であろう。, The subject of this study is to examine the causes of the decline of the forest industry on Okinawa from the viewpoint of supply and demand, the distribution system and costs. During the first half of the post-war period, the Okinawa forest products market was characterized by the demand for firewood and charcoal. The second half of the post-war period withnessed the market transition to the exporting of pulp and wood chips for the production of paper. The demand for processed lumber on Okinawa was regulated by the requirements for the military base construction and general Okinawa construction. Lumber to satisfy these requirements was by and large imported from foreign sources inasmuch as the Okinawa forests were unable to produce the trees in the required sized or amounts. Okinawa-produced lumber was used primarily in the construction of concrete forms, pilings, scaffoldings, and cargo pallets. The direct causes of the forest industry decline are as follows : 1. The indiscriminate deforestation in the pre-war and post-war periods. 2. The stagnation of the Okinawa forest resources utilization and exploitation policies. 3. Forestry programs and policies during the United States Administration were not aggressive., 紀要論文}, pages = {583--589}, title = {戦後の沖縄県における木材市場の展開 (I) : 島産材について(林学科)}, year = {1977} }