@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003338, author = {城間, 定夫 and 仲村, 将俊 and Shiroma, Sadao and Nakamura, Masatoshi}, issue = {22}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {パイン葉(shoots, hapas and slips)を材料とする3種類のサイレージ, すなわち, 1)パイン葉のみの区, 2)生パイン粕25%添加区, 3)糖密5%添加区の3区を設け沖縄における未利用粗飼料資源であるパイン葉のサイレージとしての栄養価値を検索する目的で化学的特性についての基礎的実験を行ない, 次の知見を得た。1)いずれのサイレージも乾物量が少なく高水分サイレージであり, その品質の向上には予乾の必要性が指摘された。2)生パイン粕25%程度の添加では微生物の栄養源としての可溶性炭水化物含量を増加させるには不充分のようであった。すなわち乳酸の生成, カロチンおよび全N含量の増加には影響がなかった。3)しかし, 糖密を5%添加した場合には乾物の回収率, 全Nおよびカロチン含量が増加し, 逆にアンモニア態Nの生成とpH価は減少し品質の良いサイレージが調製された。, Three kinds of pineapple leaf silages were prepared : 1) the silage (No.1) with no additives, 2) the silage (No.2) with 25% wet pineapple cannery pulp and 3) the silage (No.3) contaning 5% sugar cane molasses. To study the fundermental chemical properties of these silages, criteria or variables such as the proximate chemical composition, recovery of the ensiled materials, pH, total N, NH_3-N, NH_3-N/total N, carotene and organic acid contents as well as the grade by Flieg's method were determined. Under the conditions of this experiment, the following summary appears justified : 1. All silages resulted in low dry matter contents. Pineapple leaf material should be dried more to reduce the moisture content before ensiling and to improve the quality. 2. Twenty five percent wet pineapple cannery pulp in the silage as additive was not enough to supply energy for microorganisms to enhance the production of lactic acid and the improvement in the preservation of nitrogen and carotene. 3. Application of 5% sugar cane molasses seemed to be a practical way and resulted in higher material recovery and carotene preservation and low NH_3-N fermentation and pH value., 紀要論文}, pages = {343--351}, title = {パイン葉サイレージに関する研究 : I 化学的特性について(畜産学科)}, year = {1975} }