@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003364, author = {泉, 裕巳 and 秋永, 孝義 and Izumi, Hiromi and Akinaga, Takayoshi}, issue = {21}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {サトウキビ収穫機の設計の基礎であるサトウキビの茎幹の理工学的性費を知るために, 万能引張試験機(容量100kg)を用いて, プランジャ貫入試験, 平板圧縮試験, 静切断試験を行なった。供試材料には, 沖縄県下で栽培されている一般的な品種である, Nco310とNco376を用いた。測定結果から得られたサトウキビの茎幹の性質について, 以下に要約する。1)サトウキビの茎幹の長径と貫入抵抗の間には相関関係があり, 10mm/minで, 直径2mmのプランジャを貫入される場合に, Nce310,Nce376について, それぞれγ_<310>=0.613 γ_<376>=0.615の相関係数を持つ。関係式として, 次式が得られた。Y_<310>=3.642 X_<310>+256.780 Y_<376>=11.205 X_<376>+155.412ここでX : 長径(mm), Y : 貫入抵抗(kg/(cm)^2) 2)平板圧縮試験の結果, 茎幹の長径と表皮破壊力との間に, それぞれの品種について, γ_<310>=0.456,γ_<376>=0.622の相関関係があり, 次の関係式が得られた。Y_<310>=2.118 X_<310>+11.466 Y_<376>=3.301 X_<376>-4.999ここでX : 長径(mm), Y : 表皮破壊力(kg) 3)切断力の楔角を15°, 20°, 25°, 切断速度を10mm/min., 100mm/min., 1000mm/min., でサトウキビを切断する場合, 楔角15°の場合が最も小さな力で切断することができた。また, 切断速度が大きくなるにつれて, 表皮破壊力が大きくなる傾向が認められた。4)概して, Nco376の方がNco310より硬い。, Information of the physical properties of sugarcane stalks under compression and cutting has an important significance for us to designe the sugarcane harvester and other processing machines. This paper presents the physical properties of sugarcane stalks. It was measured by the Instron type universal testing machine with use of rigid plunger compression, plate compression and statically cutting tests. Nco 310 and Nco 376 were used for these tests, which popularly were grown in the Ryukyu Islands. The following results were obtained. 1) When sugarcane stalke were compressed with 2φ rigid plunger and 10mm/min in compression speed, their skin rupture stress increased with the major diameter of it. The relationship was expressed as Y_<310>=3.642X_<310>+256.780 Y_<376>=11.205 X_<376>+155.412 where Y was rupture stress (kg/(cm)^2) X was major diam. of stalk (mm) suffix 310 was expressd Nco 310 and 376 expressed Nco 376 2) When sugarcane stalks were compressed with 150φ plate and 10mm/min in compression speed, their skin rupture force increased with the major diam. of it. The relationship was expressed as Y_<310>=2.118X_<310>+11.466 Y_<376>=3.301X_<376>-4.999 where Y was skin rupture force (kg) X was major diam. of stalk (mm) 3) When sugarcane stalks were cut with cutting knives which had 15°, 20°, 25° of wedge and 10mm/min, 100mm/min, 1000mm/min in cutting speed, their cuttig resistance was increased with wedge angle and cutting speed. The best wedge angle in use of these tests was 15° to obtain the minimum resistance. 4) Generally speaking, Nco 376 was harder than Nco 310., 紀要論文}, pages = {161--172}, title = {サトウキビ収穫機に関する研究(第 3 報) : 茎幹の材質について (2) (農業工学科)}, year = {1974} }