@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003371, author = {渡嘉敷, 綏宝 and 川島, 由次 and 工藤, 規雄 and Tokashiki, Suiho and Kawashima, Yoshitsugu and Kudo, Norio}, issue = {21}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {沖縄産ザーネン雑種生後1年未満, 未経産ヤギ21体の子宮壁血管について組織学的観察を行ない, 次の成績を得た。1.子宮内膜の動脈の太さは, 未成熟例では細いが, 成熟例では太さを増し, 妊娠時にはさらに肥大し, 妊娠13∿16週では非妊時の3∿4倍大となる。2.内膜の軽度肥厚を主とする子宮壁動脈の変化すなわち, 著者らのC, D型は, 少数の発情あるいは初回妊娠による変化であり, より以上の高度の変化を示す所見は多くの反復する発情あるいは初回分娩後の変化であると思われる。3.子宮壁の静脈では子宮内膜のものは子宮筋層のものに比べて一般に変化が強く現われる。子宮内膜の静脈では工藤らのIII, IV, V型程度の変化も現われるが, より以上の高度の変性像を示す所見は多くの反復する発情あるいは初回分娩後の変化と思われる。4.着床部位と動, 静脈型との関係については妊角と非妊角の所見に差異を認めない。, Histological studies on blood vessels of the uterine wall were performed. The samples tested were obtained from 21 nullepara goats, crossbred of Sannen and native kind of Okinawa, of which ages were less than a year. The results were summarized as follows : 1. The diameter of arteries of the endometrium was a small in the case of immature, however, it became larger in the case of mature. The largest diameter was observed in the pregnant stage of 13-16 weeks. At these periods the diameter became 3-4 times larger than that of non-pregnant, mature goats. 2. It seemed that the changes of arteries in the uterine wall, which were mainly observed as a slight hyperplastic swelling of the tunica intima, were resulted from a few times estrus or the first pregnancy, and also that the changes accompanied with higher degenerative changes were due to repetitious estrus or the parturition. 3. A degree of degenerations of the veins of uterine wall, was generally intensive at endometrium than that of myometrium. Though intermediate degeneration of the veins of endometrium, was observed in the case of a few times estrus or the first pregnancy, higher degeneration was usually observed in cases of repetitious estrus or of parturition. 4. Any histological differences of the type of arteries or veins could not be seen in the cases of pregnant and non-pregnant horns., 紀要論文}, pages = {237--255}, title = {ヤギ子宮壁血管の発情, 妊娠にともなう初期変化について(畜産学科)}, year = {1974} }