@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003375, author = {城間, 定夫 and 本郷, 富士弥 and Shiroma, Sadao and Hongo, Fujiya}, issue = {21}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {本報は, 沖縄産羽毛粉および牛脂を用いて蛋白質源, エネルギー源を異にして飼養試験を行なった前報(9)と同様の供試ブロイラー(White Cornish×White Rock)の各試験区より12羽ずつ, 合計48羽を選出し58日令における屠体各部位生産割合の効果を調査するために解体試験を行ない, 次の結果を得た。1.血液, 頭, 脚, 肉量, 腹部脂肪, 脾臓, 筋胃および肺臓などの生産量は, 飼料中の蛋白源およびエネルギー水準によって有意な影響を受けなかった。2.枝肉歩留りは, 飼料中の蛋白質源とエネルギー水準のみを考慮した場合, 魚粉給与区の方が, 羽毛粉給与区よりも高い値を示した(P<.05)。3.同様に, 高蛋白質, 高エネルギー区は, 標準区に比べ可食部生産量において有意な増加が認められた(P<.05)。4.肝臓, 皮および腹部脂肪などの生産量に対しては, エネルギー水準に基づく有意性は認められなかった。5.生体重および血液, 頭, 脚, 骨, 心臓, 筋胃, 肝臓ならびに肺臓などの生産量は, 性別による差が顕著で, 雄が雌よりも高い値を示した(P<.01)。6.エネルギー水準と性別間の交互作用が, 骨の生産量において認められた。以上の結果, 2∿5%の羽毛粉のブロイラー飼料への配合および4∿8%の牛脂の添加は, 屠体各部位生産割合に対して, なんら悪影響を与えないものと考えられる。発育の点では, 雄が雌よりもすぐれていたが, 可食部収量および枝肉歩留りには差が認められなかった。, This experiment was conducted to determine the effect of hydrolyzed poultry feather and beef tallow, processed in Okinawa, on the dissecting yield of broiler and eventually to evaluate the nutritive value of these two ingredients. At the same time, effect of sex was studied. Under the conditions of this experiment, the following summary appears justified : 1. Protein source and energy level had no singificant effect on weights of blood, head, shank and toe, meat, abdominal depot fat, spleen, kidney, gizzard, lung and viscera. 2. Considering protein source and energy level, birds on the ration with fish meal showed higher dressing precentage (70.77%) than those on ration with feather meal (69.38%) at 5% level of probability. 3. Also when sex was disregarded, birds on high energy ration was high in percentage of eddible meat than those on standard energy ration (P<.01); 50.69% and 49.44%, respectively. 4. No differences due to energy level in weight of liver, skin and abdominal depot fat were found. 5. Male showed higher (P<.01) values than female in live weight and weights of blood, head, shank and toe, bone, heart, gizzard, lung, liver and viscera though no differences were found in dressing and eddible meat percentages. 6. Two way interaction of energy x sex was present in bone weight, though neither two way between protein and sex nor three way interactions existed in any criteria studied. Considering all these results, it can be said that addition of hydrolyzed poultry feather at the rate of 2 to 5% in the broiler ration seems to be feasible and that producers are able to replace some portions of grains with 4 to 8% of beef tallow without any adverse effects. Although male is more productive for a producer from view point of weight gain, no advantages for a processor are found since no differences were observed in rate of eddible meat and dressing percentages., 紀要論文}, pages = {305--318}, title = {I. 解体成績におよぼす影響(ブロイラー飼料における羽毛粉と牛脂の利用)(畜産学科)}, year = {1974} }