@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003386, author = {山盛, 直 and 大山, 保表 and Yamamori, Naoshi and Oyama, Hohyo}, issue = {21}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {リュウキュウマツの肥培効果を調査するため, 施肥量および施肥のくり返しを異にする試験を実施した(試験方法は第1表参照)。その結果つぎのことがわかった。1.5年後の生育本数は, 無施肥区でもっとも少なく, 枯損率も無施肥区でもっとも高かった。地位別では, 枯損率は下地位より上地位で低い傾向があった。2.樹高生長は, 施肥量の多い区ほど大きく, 上地位では施肥回数の多いほど大きい。5年生林分の樹高生長量は, 無施肥区に比較して, 施肥基準量区で約2倍, 施肥半量区で1.5倍の生長量をしめした。3.施肥区では, 3年目で林分が閉鎖し, その結果下刈回数を減少させて省力のできることがわかった。4.直径生長も樹高生長と同様に, 地位の高いほど施肥量の多いほど生長量が大きい。施肥のくり返しにおいては, 上地位で施肥回数の多いほど生長量の大きい傾向が認められた。5年生林分の直径生長は, 無施肥にくらべて施肥基準量区で2.5倍, 施肥半量区で1.5倍の生長量をしめし, 肥効の著しいことがわかった。, This study was done to investigate the effect of fertilization of Ryukyu-matsu young stands. Experimental plots were setted the variety of amount of fertilizer and method of fertilization (Table. 1). The results obtain were as follows : 1. At the five year tests, the number of growing seedling were smallest in the control. Dead seedling ratio were higher in the control than the fertilized plot. 2. The growth of tree height ratio increased with increasing amount of fertilizer and fertilized times. At the five year test period, the percentage of tree height increase by fertilization were 150-200% of the control. 3. In the fertilized plot, the stand crown closed from third year, therefore it was considered that weeding times in the stand were able to cut times for labor saving. 4. The growth of diameter ratio increased with increasing amount of fertilizer and fertilized times., 紀要論文}, pages = {621--632}, title = {幼令林の肥培試験(リュウキュウマツの造林法の研究 II)(農学部附属演習林)}, year = {1974} }