@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003388, author = {新里, 孝和 and Shinzato, Takakazu}, issue = {21}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {宮崎県内山国有林内に分布するイヌマキの天然林を調査報告した。沢付近にイヌマキがみられるのはごくまれで, 最も多く出現する尾根すじ近くに25×25m^2の方形区を2個設定し, 各方形区内に2×20m^2の帯状区を設けて調査した結果, タブノキーテイカカズラ群落Plot1イスノキーイヌマキ群落Plot2を類別することができた。その他高木層にはアカガシ, ウラジロガシ, イタジイ, 亜高木層以下にはヤブツバキ, サカキ, ヤブニッケイなどが出現し, 林床には上層木の稚樹などの木本類が多く, 草本類は少ない。, This paper deals with the vegetation of Podocarpus macrophylla stand areas of the Uchiyama national forest, Miyazaki Prefecture. In the district temperature at 500m. above the sea level and in latitude 32N were converted from the rate of successive decrease of temperature for every part of Japan which was caluculated by Meteorological Agency in Japan, and rainfall data are available for Miyakonojo meteorological station (154.2m. above the sea level). Two quadrats of 25×25m^2. were laid down in the near of the ridge at 520m. and 540m. above the sea level in this district. And the belt transects of 2×20m^2. were laid down in each quadrat. The method of study and symbols used in the tables are available in the Hatusima's paper (1952). The results of the vegetational survey shown in Fig. 2 are given in Table III, IV, V. In Japan, the Podocarpus macrophylla occurs generally as scattered in the Distylium-, the Castanopsis-, the Machilus- and the Quercus-type forest which there belong to the climax in the warm temperate zone, and mainly at range from 50m. to 400m. above the sea level, which the area is near the tops of ridge and coastal forest. In this district the dominant tree species in the 1st layer are also Machilus thunbergii and Distylium racemisum, and noticeable facts are the occurrence of a large number of Podocarpus macrophylla in the forest. Other less frequent trees in the 1st layer are Castanopsis sieboldii, Quercus acuta, Quercus salicina, Ternstroemia gymnanthera and Actinodaphne lancifolia, Of main tree species forming the lower parts of the 1st layer from 10m. to 2m. high are Camellia japonica, Cleyera japonica and Cinnamomum japonica. In the shrub layer (0.3m. -2m. high) are more or less occured Skimmia japonica, Neolitsea aciculata, Machilus japonica, Aucuba japonica, Ligustrum japonica, and so on. The dominant species being harbaceous layer is Trachelospermum asiaticum which is distributed in the warm temperate forest. Even in the each layer 1st layer Distylium racemosum, Machilus thunbergii, Podocarpus macrophylla and Quercus species occur abundantly as a dominant. From the statistical survey it became obvicus that the sociations-Machilus thunbergii-Trachelospermum asiaticum sociation and Distylium racemosum-Podocarpus macrophylla sociation-occur in the community., 紀要論文}, pages = {655--666}, title = {イヌマキ林調査報告 (II) : 宮崎県内山国有林のイヌマキ天然林の群落構造について(農学部附属演習林)}, year = {1974} }