@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003413, author = {石嶺, 行男 and Ishimine, Yukio}, issue = {20}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {粟品種の生態的特性, 特に出穂反応を明らかにする目的で, 各地から収集された粟523系統を1969年5月と7月の2回にわたって播種して, その出穂日数(出穂までの日数)と葉数(主稈葉数)を調査した。1.粟の出穂日数には大きな系統間変異がみられ, 変異の幅は春播で40日から140日に達した。また, 葉数についても同様に大きな変異がみられ, 変異の幅は8葉から26葉であった。2.出穂日数と葉数との間には正の相関がある(r=0.813)。3.春播と夏播の実験結果から, いずれの系統も夏播で出穂日数が短縮されており, しかも, その短縮日数は, 概して, 出穂日数の短い系統では小さく, 出穂日数の長い系統では大きい傾向が認められる。しかし, 両播種期の間で出穂日数について高い相関がある(r=0.815)。4.出穂日数の長い系統では, 播種期と無関係に, ほぼ同じ日に出穂する傾向が強かった。5.これらの点から, 出穂日数の短い系統では, 生育期間の長さが, また出穂日数の長い系統では, 日長が短日へ向う事が, 少なくとも出穂に必要な条件の1つであると考えられる。6.春播の葉数と夏播の葉数には正の相関がある(r=0.777)7.出穂日数の短縮日数と減少葉数とは正の相関がある(0.848)。8.出穂日数の短い系統は, 出葉速度が速く, 出穂日数の長い系統は出葉速度が遅い傾向が両播種期ともにみられるが, この傾向は, 夏播において春播より, より明瞭である。, On millet varieties including 523 varieties from Japan and various foreign countries, pre-earing period and the number of leaves (of the main stems) were investigated after seeding in May or July in 1969. 1) Significant inter-variety deviations were observed on the pre-earing period and the number of leaves investigated. 2) A positive correlationship was found between the pre-earing period and the number of leaves. The distribution of the varieties on these properties had a wide variance, i. e. the varieties with the same pre-earing period showed a wide range of deviation in the number of leaves. 3) In all varieties, the summer seeding gave shorter pre-earing periods than the spring seeding. In general, the length of the period shortened were small in the varieties with the short pre-earing periods and they were large in the varieties with the long pre-earing periods. 4) Among varieties with larger pre-earing periods, some varieties were strongly dependent on the length of the daytime of a calender day. 5) The pre-earing periods of the spring seeding had a significant positive correlationship with those of the summer seeding. 6) The number of leaves of the spring seeding showed a positive correlationship with that of the summer seeding. 7) The shortening of the pre-earing period had a positive correlationship, with a wide variation, to the decrease of the number of leaves. 8) Although the varieties with shorter pre-earing periods showed greater rates of leaving and those with longer pre-earing periods showed smaller rates of leaving in both of the seedtime, this tendency was observed more clearly in the summer seeding than in the spring seeding., 紀要論文}, pages = {361--373}, title = {第 1 報 播種期のちがいによる出穂日数, 葉数および出葉速度の変異(粟品種の生態型分析)(農学部附属農場)}, year = {1973} }