@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003414, author = {石嶺, 行男 and Ishimine, Yukio}, issue = {20}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {前報での供試系統の中から, 春播および夏播における出穂日数の短い系統から長い系統にわたる15系統を選定し, 短日(8時間および12時間日長), 長日(16時間日長)および自然日長下で栽培して, 出穂日数と主稈葉数を調査した。1.短日処理(8時間および12時間)および長日処理(16時間日長)は, 自然日長処理に比較して, いずれの供試系統に対しても出穂日数の短縮および, 出穂日数の遅延効果がある。しかし各系統に対する出穂促進効果と出穂遅延効果とは, かならずしも相伴わない。2.自然日長下で, 特に出穂日数の長い系統では, 日長条件がその系統の出穂に決定的要因となっているが, その他のNo.12,18,およびNo.234の系統では, 日長は種々の程度で出穂に関連し, ある限界日長以下の短日となれば出穂が促進され, ある限界日長以上の長日となれば出穂が遅延する系統であり, No.19,No.5は日長条件に比較的鈍感な系統であり, No.92は限界日長以下では促進されるが, 限界日長をこえてもそれほど出穂が遅延されない系統である。3.8時間日長処理における出穂促進日数は葉数の減少と高い相関を示し, 出穂促進日数の大きい系統ほど葉数の減少も大きい。4.日長処理を行なった場合, 出葉速度と日長とはあまり関連が認められないので, 播種期を変えた場合の春播および夏播の各系統の出葉速度の差は, 主として, 温度の上昇に起因したものと考えられる。, Among the varieties used in the first report in this series, 15 varieties were selected for the present investigation, especially from those showing shorter pre-earing periods in the spring seeding and the number of leaves were investigated on the samples with a seeding date of May 26,1970. 1) all varieties used in this investigation showed both of the shortening and elongation effects, against the controls, on the pre-earing periods upon changing the length of daytime to 8,12,and 16 hrs. respectively. In each variety, however, the shortening effects did not necessarily accompany the elongation effects. 2) In the controls, it was observed especially in the varieties with longer pre-earing periods that the length of daytime mainly determined the rate of earing. In the cases of Korea No. 12,Bon-awa No. 18,and Nagasaki No. 284,the length of daytime shorter than a certain limit enhanced the rates of earing, which the length of daytime longer than a certain limit reduced the rates of earing. Taiwan No. 19 and length of daytime, Kagoshima No. 92 showed an enhanced rate of earing due to the daytime periods shorter than a certain limit, although it showed no effect of the daytime periods longer than a certain limit on the reduction of the rates of earing. 3) In the samples treated with 8 hrs. daytime period a decrease in the pre-earing periods had a strong positive relationship with a decrease in the number of leaves. 4) Photoperiodic treatemets showed that there was no correlationship between the length of daytime and the rates of leaving. thus, the variation in the rates of leaving due to the variation in seedtime would be the effect of an increase in temperatures., 紀要論文}, pages = {375--387}, title = {第 2 報 日長処理による出穂日数, 葉数および出葉速度の変異(粟品種の生態型分析)(農学部附属農場)}, year = {1973} }