@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003438, author = {工藤, 規雄 and 渡嘉敷, 綏宝 and 山野, 秀二 and Kudo, Norio and Tokashiki, Suiho and Yamano, Shuji}, issue = {19}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {沖縄産ヤギ38頭の子宮壁静脈を組織学的に観察し下記の成績を得た。1.ヤギ子宮壁にみられる静脈をI∿VIII型に区別したが, I, II型はほゞ正常な静脈, III型は軽度に変化したもの, IV, V, VI型は高度の変性静脈, VII, VIII型は変性静脈の遺残像である。2.ヤギ子宮壁では, 子宮内膜の静脈の変化が子宮筋層のそれよりも早期に現れる。3.子宮内膜では妊娠, 分娩の影響なしに高度の変性静脈が現れるが, 子宮筋層でそれらが現れるのは経産例のみである。4.経産例において経産回数の増加にともない, 変性高度な静脈が漸増するという傾向はみとめられない。5.ヤギ子宮壁の静脈では妊娠, 分娩によって内膜の変化もおこるが, 中, 外膜部の変化がより顕著である。, Histological analyses of the veins in uterine wall of goats were performed to clarify the changes of the veins in pregnancy using 38 goat samples collected in the Okinawa, the southern island of Japan. The results may be summarised as follows. 1. The veins of the uterine wall of goat were histologically divided into eight groups : The veins of groups I and II showed normal vessels in the endo- and myometrium, group III a little of degenerative vessels, groups IV, V and VI more higher degenerative ones, and group VII or VIII a regressive veins respectively. 2. A degenerative change in the veins of uterine wall seemed to be appeared rapidly in the endometrium than that in the myometrium. 3. An appearance of a high degeneration of the veins in the endometrium seemed to be affected by a state of puberty, which in the myometrium, it seemed to be affected only by a state of pregnancy or of parturition. 4. From the present results obtained, it was not suggested that the degenerative changes of the veins in the uterine wall were more noticeable as parturition frequency increases. 5. Degenerative changes of the veins in the uterine wall of goats caused by several repeated gestations were appeared in the tunica intima but were more distinct in both of the tunica media and tunica externa., 紀要論文}, pages = {395--406}, title = {ヤギの子宮壁静脈について(畜産学科)}, year = {1972} }