@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003440, author = {金城, 俊夫 and Kinjo, Toshio}, issue = {19}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {種鶏卵の発育6∿14日卵を用い, Tpに対する感受性を漿尿膜, 尿膜腔および卵黄嚢内等接種ルートを変えて比較検討し, 次の如き結果を得た。1.接種ルート, Tp数の如何を問わず, 発育卵はTp感染に対し非常に高い感受性を示し, そのほとんどがTpにより感染死を起した。また正常孵化したと思われる例でも孵化後1∿2日で斃死することが多く, その体内にはTpの増殖が認められる。2.感染卵の生存日数はどの発育日令のものでもまたどの接種ルートでも, 接種Tp数の多いもの程短縮され, 接種Tp数との間に負の相関々係が成立つ。また発育日令による感受性の差は著明でない。3.漿尿膜および尿膜腔内接種による特徴的病変は接種3日目から形成される漿尿膜上の白斑形成である。この中には鏡検により多数Tpが認められる。しかし白斑は卵黄嚢内接種によつては形成されることが少ない。4.死亡卵におけるTpの増殖は胎児では脳を除く肝, 脾, 肺に主として認められるが,特に肝に最も多く検出される。胎児外では漿尿膜, 尿膜腔内接種では接種部位を中心として増殖し, 卵黄にはほとんど認められない。また卵黄内接種ではどの部分にも認められず, Tp分布の上から前2者と感染の機序が異るものと考えられる。5.以上の成績より, 発育鶏卵は孵卵日令による差がなく, 感染性Tpのごく少量接種によっても感染死を来たす程高い感受性を有しているものといえる。, Susceptibility of embryonated hens' eggs to toxoplasmic infection was examined. The embryos of 6 to 14 days old were used for these experiments and were inoculated into the chorioallantoic membrane, amniotic cavity and yolk sacs. The results are briefly summarized as follows : 1. Regardless of the route of inoculation and number of Tp inoculated, the embryos showed very high susceptibility and were died. Even if they were hatched, the almost chickens succumbed to Tp within 2 days after hatch. 2. Survival periods of inoculated embryos were not depending upon the route of inoculation or age of embryos but largely upon the number of Tp inoculated. There are a close relation between number of Tp and duration of survival. 3. The most characteristic lesions in the embryonated eggs inoculated chorioallantoic or amniotic route were yellowish-white pocks, scattered throughout the allantoic membrane. The pocks were detectable about 3 days after inoculation and contained many parasites. 4. The dead embryos were deeply haemorrhagic. The parasites multiplied well in embryos' organs except the brain, and also in the chorioallantoic membrane and in the allantoic cavity. However, the case of yolk sac inoculation, the parasites were detectable only in a few organs with small in numbers. 5. From the results described above, it seems likely that embryonated eggs are highly susceptible as like as mice to toxoplasmic infection not according to their ages and the route of inoculation., 紀要論文}, pages = {421--429}, title = {IV. 発育鶏卵の感受性(鶏の実験的トキソプラズマ症に関する研究)(畜産学科)}, year = {1972} }