@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003451, author = {新垣, 真保 and Arakaki, Shinpo}, issue = {18}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {著者は1968年10月以降沖縄において大豆56品種を用いて周年栽培(毎月播種)を行ない, その生態調査を実施してきた。今回はその中から大豆の播種適期のことを中心にしてまとめてみたのでその結果を報告する。1.沖縄においては大豆の栽培は周年可能である。しかし播種時期の相違によって子実の収量に相当な開きがみられる。2.大豆の播種適期は1月から8月までの範囲にあるが, 適期の幅で品種を分類すると1月から8月までのもの, 4月から8月までのもの, 6月から8月までのものと三つの型に大別できる。しかし最後の型に属する品種の数は極めて少ない。3.多収の時期は4∿8月播きに集中しているように見えるが, そのことは後日再検討する必要がある。4.沖縄に導入された大豆品種は, 亜熱帯の気候風土のために適応性が大きくなり, 殆んどの品種が春播型, 中間型, 夏播型の三つの性質か, 中間型, 夏播型の二つの性質を発揮するようになる。5.沖縄では殆んどの大豆品種が夏播きに適合している。6.生育日数は春播型は短かく夏播型は長い。周年栽培での平均生育日数もその通りである。それで年間の平均生育日数を見れば大豆の生態型が判明する。7.大豆はその品種に最も適合しない時期に播種されたとき生育日数は最も長くなる。春播型では冬期に, 夏播型では春期に播種された場合に生育日数は最も長い。8.殆んどの品種の生育日数は初秋に播種されたものが最も短い。生育日数はその月に向かって漸減し, その月を過ぎると漸増していく。9.生育日数が最短である播種月に播かれた大豆の生態はどの品種でも100%近く順調であった。10.子実収量で最多収の月は生育日数が最短である月よりも2ケ月以上前の方に位置している。, Soybean (Glycine max) has been ecologically studied by the author since 1968. Although fifty six soybean varieties were sown every month from October 1968 to June 1970 in order to find their proper period of seeding in Okinawa as a part of the study, results obtained were on five varieties and summarized in the following. 1. Yields of five soybean varieties varied with seeding period, although the soybeans could grow in any season of Okinawa. 2. The tested five varieties appeared to be divided into three groups according to their optimum period of seeding, namely the first group consisting of Aohigu and Norin-ichigo with an optimum seeding period from January to August, the second group of Shirokuchi-ichigo and Saga-zairai with an optimum seeding period from June to August. 3. The soybeans tended to increase yields when they were sown in April through August. 4. The soybean varieties revealed wide adaptability to the subtropical climate of Okinawa. For instance, they showed characteristics of either spring-, intermediate-, and summer-seeding types, or intermediate-, and summer-seeding types differing from those found in mainland Japan. 5. At least summer seeding was very suitable for Productivity of the five varieties in Okinawa. 6. The varieties of summer-seeding type had a shorter growing period than the varieties of spring-seeding type regardless of growing season. Therefore, it was considered to be able to define whether a soybean variety was summer-seeding type or spring-seeding type by conparing the growing period. 7. The growing period of the soybeans appeared to become longer than usual when the soybeans were sown in improper season. The longest growing period was indicated by the spring-seeding type and summer-seeding type varieties when were sown in winter and spring, respectively. 8. Most varieties showed the shortest growing period when they were sown in early autumn. The growing period of the most varieties became shorter when they were sown closer to early autumn than when they were sown apart from early autumn. 9. All varieties showed complete normal ecology when they were sown in early autumn. 10. The highest soybean yields were obtained when the soybeans were sown two or more months before early autumn., 紀要論文}, pages = {1--12}, title = {沖縄における大豆の生態調査 : 周年栽培による播種適期の選定(農学科)}, year = {1971} }