@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003461, author = {新城, 俊也 and Shinjo, Toshiya}, issue = {18}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {本研究では沖縄に分布している泥灰岩が乾燥や水浸作用を受けた場合の泥灰岩の状態の変化, またその状態の変化が一軸圧縮強度にどのような影響を与えるかを調べた。行なった実験から沖縄に分布している泥灰岩の特性について次のことが言える。1)泥灰岩は乾燥すると含水比の減少に伴い収縮を起こす。2)自然含水比状態の泥灰岩は水浸すると吸水膨張を生ずるが, スレーキングによる破壊はみられない。3)空気乾燥した泥灰岩は水浸すると激しくスレーキングを起こし崩壊する。4)泥灰岩は湿乾の繰返しによって塊が細片化し, 粘土化が進むと推定される。5)水浸した泥灰岩の強度は自然含水比状態の強度よりかなり低く, かつ吸水膨張量の大きい試料ほど強度の低下は大きい。6)自然含水比状態の泥灰岩は水浸すると静的弾性係数も小さくなる。, This study was carried out to investigate the influence of drying and wetting on mudstones (Shimajiri clay) with natural water content, which were sampled from Okinawa Island, Ryukyus. Tests done in this study were shrinkage, slaking, swelling and unconfined compression tests. The unconfined compression tests were done on specimens (diameter 3.5cm, height 8cm) of mudstones with natural water content and that immersed in water more than seven days. The conclusions are summarized as follows : 1) Mudstones shrinke as their water content decreases. 2) Those mudstones with natural water content swell in water, but they do not disintegrate. 3) After air-drying, they rapidly slake in water. 4) They are disintegrated by repetition of drying and wetting, and it seems that they gradually turn into clay. 5) Unconfined compressive strength qus of water-immersed mudstones is smaller than the qun of natural mudstones, and the more the mudstones swell, the more the ratio of qus to qun decrease. 6) When mudstones with natural water content are immersed in water, their static modulus of elasticity fall., 紀要論文}, pages = {127--136}, title = {沖縄における泥灰岩の工学的特性 (I) : 乾燥と水浸の影響について(農業工学科)}, year = {1971} }