@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003479, author = {幸喜, 善福 and Koki, Zenfuku}, issue = {17}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {1)本研究は, 海岸付近の空中塩素量の分布を究明する目的で, 1968年3月から1969年1月の間において, 下記の場所で測定した。i)椎田干拓地 : 福岡県築上郡椎田町ii)古賀海岸 : &sparsl;粕屋郡古賀町iii)波津海岸 : &sparsl;遠賀郡岡垣町2)海岸線や防風林風上側は, 前線に地物のあるところや防風林内およびその後方よりは空中塩素量が多く, 風速と付着塩素量は, Q=a+b・vあるいはQ=a+b・v+c・v^2ここにQ : 付着塩素量v : 風速a, b : 定数の関係式によって示されるのではないかと考えられる。3)海岸線の高い防波堤は砕波に由来する飛沫防止にはある程度の効果はあるが, 空中塩素量を減少せしめる機能においては防風林に劣る。, 1. The purpose of this research is to investigate the distribution of chloride content in atmosphere near the coast. The study was commenced in March 1968. The investigation duration was from the starting date till to January 1969. The test places were : a) Coastal reclamation land in Shida, Shida Machi, Chikujo Gun, Fukuoka Prefecture. b) Seaside in Koga, Koga Machi, Kasuya Gun, Fukuoka Prefecture. c) Seaside in Hatsu, Okagaki Machi, Onga Gun, Fukuoka Prefecture. 2. Since the quantity of atmospheric chloride content at the outer coast as well as in front of the windbreak is more than that at the interior place or behind the windbreak, consequently, the relation between the adherent chloride content and wind velocity can be expressed by the following formula, Q=a+b・v or Q=a+b・v+c・v^2 where Q : weight of chloride caught. v : wind velocity. a.b : constant. 3. In coastal bank protection, the sea-dike prevent the surf striking; but it is the lee side of the windbreak that effect in decreasing atmospheric chloride content., 紀要論文}, pages = {162--175}, title = {海岸付近の空中塩素量に関する研究(林学科)}, year = {1970} }