@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003502, author = {桂, 正子 and Katsura, Masako}, issue = {17}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {In this paper, three ways of sample treatments such as ignition treatment, extraction with hot water and extraction with cold water were examined. The result showed that the ignition treatment was recommended to be a rapid method for the determination of salt in food and to remove organic matters. It was required to keep the ignition temperature in the range of about 550 to 600℃ for four hours. Sodium ion in the sample was precipitated by oxalic acid-EDTA-triethanolamine mixture reagent and was titrated by standard permanganate solution in acidic medium. This method was first applied to determine salt in food and it was applicable to determine salt by being titrimetrically followed by dissolving sodium oxalate with 6N sulfuric acid. It was pointed out by H. Endo that chloride ion was adsorbed by protein rich diets The adsorption of chloride ion by peanut butter was also examined in this paper. The result showed that it was followed by the Langmuir's equation. The constants a and b, which were in the Langmuir's equation were 0.02167 and 2.097,respectively., 紀要論文}, pages = {515--521}, title = {食品中の食塩の定量法 : 蓚酸によるナトリウム沈澱法の適用性(家政学科)}, year = {1970} }