@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003505, author = {友寄, 長重 and 仲間, 操 and Tomoyose, Choju and Nakama, Misao}, issue = {16}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Oct}, note = {図に示されてある通り, 地下灌漑栽培施設(面積2m×4m)を16設置し, ハナヤサイの品種および施肥試験を行なった。苗は地下灌漑装置を施した砂床で育てた。9月11日にハナヤサイの4品種, 極早生パール1号, 極早生パール2号, スノーボール, スノーボールXを播種した。16区の施設を4区ずつの4組に分け, 各組とも施肥量週60cc, 80cc, 100cc, 120cc区を一つずつ設けた。各組とも品種はラテン方格法により排列し, 4本ずつ計16本植えた。肥料は住友液肥2号(10-5-8)を週1回貯水管の中に入れた。水は蒸発散により完全になくなった時入れた。10月, 11月前半の高温時にはほとんど毎日貯水管の容量32lずつ入れた。肥料は11月27日まで入れた。結果は表に示した。極早生種はパール2号の成績がよかった。スノーボールXはスノーボールより成績はよかった。施肥量に関しては有意差は見られなかったが, 週1回80cc区がよいと思われる。T/R率が全般的に高く, 水と肥料は十分供給されていたと思われる。この灌水, 施肥法では灌水, 施肥, 中耕, 除草の労力がいちじるしく軽減され, 収穫後, 雨後でも直ちに植付が可能であり, 今後灌水, 施肥の技術をさらに関発すれば, 多くの園芸作物の栽培に有望であると考えられる。, The authors have established subirrigating beds by which water and liquid fertilizer are automatically supplied by capillary movement from water-storage pipes as shown in Figure 1. The area of a bed was 2m x 4m. On September 11,1968,seeds of 4 varieties of cauliflower-Gokuwase pearl No 1,Gokuwase Pearl No. 2,Snowball, and Snowball X-were sown in a sand bed which was also subirrigated. Sixteen beds were used for this experiment. They were devided into 4 groups, each group containing 4 beds. Fertilizer used was Sumitomo Liquid Fertilizer No. 2 (10-5-8). In each group the first bed was supplied with 60cc of liquid fertilzier per week; the second, 80cc; the third, 100cc; and the fourth, 120cc. In each group, seedlings of the 4 varieties were planted in Latin squre of 4 x 4 on October 9. Four seedlings of a variety were planted in one plot along the both sides of the plastic film, planting 16 seedlings in one group. The planting distance was 50cm apart in the row with 2 rows 75cm apart in a bed. Water was poured into the water-storage pipes as they became empty. In October and former half period of November when high temperature prevailed, 32 liters of water which was the capacity of the storage-pipe was supplied to each pipe every day. Thereafter, it was supplied once in two or three days. Fertilizer was supplied up to November 27. The results are shown in Table 1. Of the two very early varieties, Gokuwase pearl No. 2 was superior to No. 1 in earliness and productivity. Snowball X was better than Snowball in productivity. As to the amounts of fertilizer there was no significant difference. But it is considered that the supply of 80cc per week is satisfactory. Generally, T/R ratio is so high that it is considered that water and fertilizer were well supplied to the plants. By this method of water and fertilizer application, labor for irrigation, fertilization, cultivation, and weed control is greatly reduced. And immediately after harvest or rainfall, next crop can be planted. Hereafter, rational irrigation and fertilization technique should be explored., 紀要論文}, pages = {14--18}, title = {ハナヤサイの品種および肥料試験(毛管移動による地中給水施肥栽培の研究 I)(農学科)}, year = {1969} }