@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003508, author = {新垣, 真保 and Arakaki, Shinpo}, issue = {16}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Oct}, note = {1962年5月と8月に九大農学部で行なったポット栽培による大豆の栽培試験-標準(有肥直播), 有肥移植, 無肥および無肥移植の比較試験の結果次のことが明らかにされた。1.収量(1株子実重)a.有肥栽培と無肥栽培5月と8月の両期特に8月播きにおいて有肥栽培は無肥栽培にまさっている。なお5月播きの無肥栽培で多収を示した品種は標準栽培では8月播きで最多収を示していることが注目される。b.標準栽培と有肥移植栽培5月播きでははるかに有肥移植がまさり, 8月播きでは差がない。c.無肥移植栽培5月播きの2品種で無肥移植の栽培試験をしたが両品種ともに他の栽培様式によるよりも無肥移植栽培の方が最多収であった。d.移植栽培5月播きの栽培試験で有肥栽培と無肥栽培の両方において, 移植栽培が最多収であるということは春播き大豆の栽培上実に興味があるしまた注目される。2.地上乾物重a.地上乾物重は5月と8月の両期播きにおいて無肥栽培よりも有肥栽培が大きく, 特に8月播きで著しい差がある。b.地上乾物重を標準栽培と有肥移植栽培とで比べると5月播きにおいて有肥移植栽培がはるかに大きく, 8月播きでは差は見られない。c.地上乾物重は収量の関係では正の相関が著しく大きい。3.茎長茎長はどの品種においても有肥栽培が無肥栽培よりも大である。標準栽培と有肥移植栽培との比較では大差がない。茎長は収量と正の相関が見られ, 特に8月の有肥栽培において高い。4.主茎節数主茎節数は5月と8月の両期播きにおいて有肥栽培に多い。また約35%の品種が同数である。標準栽培と有肥移植栽培の間には差がない。主茎節数と収量との相関は明らかでない。5.分枝数分枝数は有肥栽培と無肥栽培との比較において5月播きでは明らかでないが8月播きでは有肥栽培に多い。標準栽培と有肥移植栽培の比較では5月播きで標準栽培に多く, 8月播きでは反対に有肥移植栽培に多い。分枝数と収量との間には正の相関が高い。6.生育日数生育日数は5月播きで有肥栽培に長く, 8月播きでは反対に無肥栽培が長い傾向がある。またそれら品種の3分の1は生育日数が等しい。標準栽培と有肥移植栽培との間には差がない。生育日数と収量との関係は5月播きでは正の相関がみられ, 8月播きでは反対に負の相関がみられる。7.時期反応有肥栽培と無肥栽培とで時期反応を比べると5月播きで差がなく, 8月播きでは有肥栽培が良い傾向にある。標準栽培と有肥移植栽培の間には大差がない。時期反応と収量との関係をみると5月播きでは相関が認められないが8月播きでは正の相関がみられる。, This paper gives the results of the studies on the effects of fertilizer, date of sowing and transplantation on the yield and some characteristics of soybean. The experiments were carried out in Department of Agriculture, Kyushu University in 1962. 1. Grain yield (seed weight per plant) The plots with fertilizer were more heavier in the yield than those of the plots without fertilizer in May and August sowings, and the trend was more distinguish in August sowing. In May sowing experimets, the transplantation plots with fertilizer were heavier in yield than the standard plots, and in the August sowing there was no difference among the two plots. In May sowing, transplantation plots were heavier in yield than direct sowing plots regardless of application of fertilizer or not. 2. Top dry weight In May and August sowings, the plots with fertilizer were heavier in the top dry weight than the plots without fertilizer, especially there was significant difference in August sowing. The top dry weight was heavier in the transplantation plots with fertilizer than in the standard plots in May sowing, but, there was no difference in the top dry weight in August sowing. There was positive correlation between top dry weight and grain yield. 3. Stem length The stem length was longer in the plots with fertilizer than in ones without fertilizer in all varieties of soybean. There was positive correlation between stem length and grain yield, and the correlation was highly significant in the plots with fertilizer in August sowing. 4. Node number of main stem The node of main stem was larger in number in the plots with fertilizer in May and August sowings. There was no difference in node number of main stem between standard plots and the transplantation plots with fertilizer. There was no significant correlation between the node number of main stem and grain yield. 5. Number of branch The branch was larger in number in the plots with fertilizer than in ones without fertilizer in August sowing. In May sowing, the branch was larger in number in the standard plots than in the transplantation plots with fertilizer, and there was the reverse trend in August sowing. There was highly significant correlation between number of branch and grain yield. 6. Number of growing days Number of growing days was larger in the plots with fertilizer than in ones without fertilizer in May sowing, but there was reverse trend in August sowing. There was positive correlation between number of growing days and grain yield in May sowing, however, there was the negative correlation in August sowing., 紀要論文}, pages = {51--81}, title = {大豆の収量に及ぼす施肥, 播種期, 移植の影響とその特性(農学科)}, year = {1969} }