@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003529, author = {友利, 知子 and Tomori, Tomoko}, issue = {16}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Oct}, note = {1.沖縄の人々の野菜の調理形態を那覇市の5中学校の3年女子の家庭の食事調査(11月)と住民栄養調査(厚生局, 1967年, 4月)からみた。その結果, 何といっても多いのは味噌汁と炒物と煮物で酢のもの, 焼きものという調理法が少なかった。それは沖縄の人の嗜好に合わないのか, 調理に手間がかゝるからだろうか。また本土でよく食べられている漬物がこちらでは, 味噌汁や炒物や煮物の次になり, それが11月より4月に多いのは野菜の出廻りや価格によるものと思われる。2.次に野菜調理に使われる種類をみると, キャベツ, ニンジン, モヤシ, タマネギ, ダイコン, サヤインゲンが主で, その外にネギとサントウサイ, ジャガイモが使われる反面, ナス, ニラ, タイサイ, ケッキュウハクサイ, ハナヤサイ, カボチャ等は, 余り使われていなかった。3.また, 野菜調理に伴なってよく使用される食品をみると豆腐が最も多く, 次いで卵, ランチオンミート類, かまぼこ類でそれらが野菜と一緒に味噌汁や炒物, 煮物として調理されるのである。4.野菜を調理する際に使われる調味料は汁物の場合は味噌が殆んど絶対的であるが炒物には醤油より塩が多く, 煮物には砂糖が少いか或は殆んど使用しない傾向がある。, The author tried to make an survey on daily cookeries of vegetables in Okinawa. The data applied to the paper were collected from the dietary life of homes of 3rd year grade junior high school girls. Data onThe Review of Okinawan Nutritional Survey, made by Government of the Ryukyu Islands in 1967, were also used. The results show that the most common style of vegetable cookings are Miso-Soup, Itamemono, and Nimono. Against them, Sunomono, Aemono, and Yakimono are the minor cookings. This tendency seems to be affected by complexity of cooking, and by eating habit. Tsukemono, which is commonly and evenly seen all year round on daily diet in Japan, takes characteristically minor place in Okinawa. Consumption of Tsukemono is higher in April than in November. It is presumably affected by currency of vegetables supply, and by their prices. The kinds of vegetables that frequently used to their daily vegetable cooking are cabbage, carrots, sprouted beans, onion, radish, and kidney beans, followed by Welsn onion, Shantung greens, and potatoes. Eggplant, leeks, Taisai, Chinese-cabbage, cauliflower, and pumpkin are less adopted to their vegetable cookings. Eggs, Kamabokoes, and Luncheon Meats are often cooked with vegetables as the combination materials. Miso is frequently used for Shirumono. There is a tendency to use more salt than soy for Itamemono, and less or none of sugar for Nimono., 紀要論文}, pages = {338--346}, title = {沖縄における野菜の消費構造について (III)(家政学科)}, year = {1969} }