@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003530, author = {友利, 知子 and 金城, 須美子 and Tomori, Tomoko and Kinjo, Sumiko}, issue = {16}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Oct}, note = {1.蛋白性食品の支出と収入要因との関係をみると, 蛋白性食品の支出(F)は11.59+0.019I(収入)となり, 収入が$10.00増すと$0.19の割で支出が増加する。これは先に報告した野菜の収入要因による支出(F)=2.07+0.008I(4月); F=2.91+0.009I(11月)に比較べて大きい。家族人員数要因との関係をみると, 蛋白性食品の支出(F)=6.03+1.76N(家族人数)となり, 家族人数が1人増えると$1.76の割で増え, 収入要因より影響するところが大きい。2.蛋白性食品の支出ならびに購入数量構成比についてみると蛋白性食品の1人1日平均支出金額は$0.11でその37%を肉類に, 34%を魚介類に支出し, 卵, 乳・豆および豆製品にそれぞれ約10%支出していた。これからすると肉や魚介類にそれぞれ$0.04,卵, 乳, 豆及び豆製品に各々$0.011支出していることになる。また, 1人1日の平均購入数量は167gで豆及び豆製品と魚介類に, それぞれ30%, 20%を肉類に, 残り20%を卵と乳にそれぞれ約10%の割で購入していた。それを数量になおすと豆及び豆製品と魚介類にそれぞれ50g, 肉類に33g卵と乳がそれぞれ17g購入していることになる。3.蛋白性食品のうち, 肉類, 魚介類, 豆及び豆製品の調理法としては, 何といっても味噌汁, 物, 煮物が多く, 焼きもの, 和えもの, 酢のもの, 蒸物は少なかった。また肉類の中でも, 豚肉, ランチョンミート, コンビーフ等の使用頻度が高く, 魚介類では, 鮮魚と練製品(主にかまぼこ)が, 豆及び豆製品では豆腐が最も多かった。一方, 乳は飲料として, 卵は卵とじとか卵焼きが多く, 目玉焼きと蒸しものは少なかった。このように, 沖縄の人々がよく摂取している蛋白性食品は豚肉, ランチョンミート, 鮮魚練製, 品豆腐, 卵でそれらを味噌汁とか炒物, 煮物として調理しているのである。, The paper presents the consumption structure of protein foods in Okinawa. 1) The increase ratio of expenditure on protein food stuffs comparison with income of average Okinawan families is F=11.59+0.019 I. In other words, the expenditure is increased $0.19 as the income increased $10.00. This ratio is higher than that of vegetables. The increase ratio of expenditure on protein foods stuffs comparison with family size is F=6.03+1.76N. In other words, the expenditure is increased $1.76 as one person is increased in a family. These results show that the family size on expenditure ratio of protein food stuffs is bigger than that of income. The expenditure for protein food stuffs per person is $0.11 in a day. The 37 percent of the above is payed for meats, 34% for fishes, and 10% for eggs, milk, beans, and bean products. 2) The purchasing quantity of protein food stuffs is 167 grams per person in a day. Out of the quantity, 30 percent is for beans, bean products, fishes, and shellfishes, 20% for meats, and 10% for eggs and milk. 3) Meats, fishes, shellfishes, beans, and bean products were in generally used for the cuisines, of Miso soup, parched meal, and Nimono (cooked in seasoning). They were not much used for roasted food, vinegared dish, vegetable salad, and boiled foods. Pork, luncheon-meat, and corned beef were in generally used so for as meats was concerned. Fish and pastes were excessively taken as to fishes and shellfishes. Soy bean-curd was much used as to beans and bean products. Milk is drunk as a beverage. Eggs are mainly used for fried eggs and it is not much taken for sunnyside-up or Mushimono. Thus, the protein food stuffs which Okinawans are inclined to take in their dietary lives are pork, luncheon-meat, fish, pastes, soy bean-curds, and eggs. These materials are mainly used for the cuisines of Miso-soup, parched meal and Nimono., 紀要論文}, pages = {347--355}, title = {沖縄における蛋白性食品の消費構造について(家政学科)}, year = {1969} }