@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003543, author = {新垣, 真保 and 島袋, 正雄 and Arakaki, Shimpo and Shimabukuro, Masao}, issue = {14}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Oct}, note = {内外から収集した約200品種の大豆について数年来特性調査をした結果次のことが判明した。1.琉球における大豆の播種適期は, その時期に適合する品種を用いさえすれば, 1月から6月までの期間である。なお12月播種適期の品種があることも想像できる。2.それらの品種群において2月適期の品種の数が最も多くそれから遠ざかるにつれて品種の数は減少している。しかして10a当収量。生育日数, 10a当1日生産量において特に優れている品種は2月から4月播の品種の中に多く存在している。3.10a当収量と10a当1日生産量において特に優れている優良品種の殆どは, 播種期の幅が広く時期的適応性に極めて富んでいる品種が多い。そういう性質を持った大豆は台湾系に特に多い。4.琉球は気候風土が台湾ににているので台湾に適する品種は琉球でも適する。日本での代表的優良品種の大豆は琉球において必ずしも好成績を示していない。反対に日本では問題にならない品種の大豆が琉球や台湾で好成績を示している事例が多い。5.琉球に適する大豆品種は多数あるし, 播種期の幅も極めて広いのであるが, 大豆本来の特性をいかし多収をあげるためには, その時期に適した品種を用いること, 換言すればその品種に適した時期に播種することが肝要である。6.それらいまだ普及されていない優良品種の収量は従来の琉球の奨励品種の収量の3∿5倍に達する。7.今後の琉球における大豆栽培上最も大事なことは, 品種の更新, 優良品種の普及, 播種期の適正ということである。, The authors studied on the characteristics of about 200 varieties of soybean which were collected from within the county and foreign countries for several years, and found the following results. 1. The optimum periods of seeding soybean varieties in the Ryukyus range from January to June. And it is expected that there are some varieties which are best to be sown in December. 2. Among these varieties, those which are best to be sown in February are most numerous. And as the optimum periods of seeding deviate from February, the number of varieties becomes lesser. 3. Superior varieties in view of harvest per unit area and productivity per unit perriod are those best suited to be sown from February to April. Most productive varieties have longer period of optimum seeding and better adaptibility to varied climates. Especially, varieties of Taiwan have such characterestics. 4. Since the Ryukyus have the similar climates to Taiwan, those which are best adapted to Taiwan also are to Okinawa. And the representative verieties of Japan are not necessarilly best adapted to the Ryukyus, and those which are of little importance in Japan are better adapted to the Ryukyus. 5. There are many varieties of soybean which are adapted to the Ryukyus, and most of their suitable seeding periods are long, but in order to raise production, it is important to select a veriety which is best suited to the planting day. In other words, one should plant the seeds on the optimum day the variety fits. 6. The productivities of some of the best suitable varieties which are not yet cultivated in the Ryukyus are over 3 to 5 times as large as those of the varieties encouraged to be grown in the Ryukyus. 7. The most important things for the cultivation of soybean in the Ryukyus are the introduction of better varieties and seeding them on the right periods. The authors are very grateful to those who have helped us in our preparing this paper., 紀要論文}, pages = {144--150}, title = {琉球に適する大豆品種選定の研究 : 播種期別收量, 1 日当生産量, 生育日数(農学科)}, year = {1967} }