@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003548, author = {友利, 知子 and Tomori, Tomoko}, issue = {14}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Oct}, note = {1.沖縄の人々の野菜支出について, まず収入要因との関係をみると, 収入が増すと野菜支出も増加するがその割合はわずかで, 即ち4月には, F(野菜支出)=2.07+0.008I(収入), 11月には, F=2.91+0.009I, つまり収入が$10.00増すと野菜支出は$0.08,0.09とわずかしか増加しない。そのことは収入要因の外に他の要因が野菜支出に作用しているということで特に月収が$150.00以上の階級にそのことがより強くみられた。2.次いで収入要因と家族人員要因との関係をみると, 4月にF(野菜支出)=-1.590+0.055I(収入要因)-0.433N(家族人員要因), 11月にはF=1.446+0.004I+0.389Nで, つまり4月には収入が$10.00増すと野菜支出は$0.55増加する傾向があるのに比らべ, 11月には$0.04と殆んど増加せず, 一方世帯人員の方は, 11月には, 1人増すと野菜支出は$0.389の割合で増加すのに反し4月には逆に$0.433の割合で逆に減少する傾向がみられる。即ち, 野菜支出は, 収入要因は4月にはプラスに作用するが11月には殆んど作用せず, 一方, 世帯人員要因は11月にはプラス, 4月にはマイナスに作用する。その原因は今後にまつとしても, おそらく4月と11月の野菜の出回りと価格高から来るのではないかと思われる。3.また沖縄の人々の野菜を購入する順位は, 4月には葉菜, 根菜, 果菜類, 11月には果菜, 葉菜, 根菜類の順で購入する傾向があり, 収入が増えると4月には果菜類をふやそうとするのに反し, 11月には根菜類をふやそうとする趣きがみられる。4.最後に一人が一日に支出する野菜代は4月に$0.022,11月には$0.028で11月は4月より約27%多く支出されていた。野菜支出の変動要因としてここで試みた収入要因や家族人員要因の外に, 野菜の出回りと価格や食習慣, 嗜好, また肉類にはお金をかけても野菜には余りお金をかけようとしない沖縄の人々の野菜に対する考え方などがあげられると思うが, このことは引続き研究していきたいと考えている。, 1. A comparison of the average Okinawan's expenditure on vegetables with income factor shows that the expenditure increases as the income increases. However, the degree of increase is negligible; the increase ratio was F=2.07+0.008I in the month of April and F=2.91+0.009I in the month of November. In other words, the expenditure on vegetables increased by only $ 0.08 or $ 0.09 at the most as the income increased by $ 10.00. This indicates that in addition to the income factor, some other factors are working on the expenditure. Especially in the case of those whose monthly earnings exceed $ 150.00,suggests us this. 2. A comparison of the income factor with family size shows that the increase ratio was F=-1.590+0.055I-0.433N in the month of April and F=1.446+0.004+0.389N in the month of November. This indicates that the expenditure in the month of April tends to increase by $ 0.55 as the income increases by $ 10.00,while the expenditure decreases by $ 0.433 as the family size increases by one member. On the other hand, the expenditure on vegetables in the month of November increases by only $ 0.04 as the income increases by $ 10.00,while the expenditure increases at a rate of $ 0.389 as the family size increases by one member. In other words, the income factorworks as a plus against the expenditure in the month of April, while the family size factor works as a munus. In the month of November, the income factor has almost no effect on the expenditure, while the factor works as a plus. Although final conclusion depends on the findings of additional surveys, this tendency is believed to have arisen from decreased supply and increased price of vegetables in the months of April and November. Besides the income factor and the family size factor mentioned above, the main factors for such fluctuations in the expenditure on vegetables seem to lie in the supply and price of vegetables, individual eating habits, or likes and dislikes, and also the general tendency to spend more on meat than on vegetables. 3. The current survey also shows that purchases are made in the order of leaf vegetables, root vegetables and vegetable-fruit in the month of April, while purchases are made in the order of vegetable-fruit, leaf vegetables and root vegetables in the month of November. In other words, Okinawans tend to spend more on vegetable-fruit in the month of April, while spending more on root vegetables in the month of November, as their incomes increase. 4. The individual expenditure on vegetables per day was 2.2¢ in the month of April and 2.8¢ in the month of November, an increase of approximately 27% over the former month of April. Especially in the case of those whose monthly earnings exceed $ 150.00,suggests us this., 紀要論文}, pages = {175--182}, title = {沖繩における野菜の消費構造について (I)(家政学科)}, year = {1967} }