@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003696, author = {小田切, 忠人 and Kotagiri, Tadato}, issue = {2}, journal = {琉球大学教育学部障害児教育実践センター紀要, The bulletin of the Research and Clinical Center for Handicapped Children}, month = {Mar}, note = {This article first shows that even children with learning disabilities (LD) can successfully acquire algorithm for multiplication, and second what kinds of difficulties they face. For this purpose, the writer gives a remedial teaching to a subject child, considered as a global-type LD child. At previous addition and subtraction phases, the LD child has achieved the same learning level as non-LD children are expected to achieve. As a sequel to the phases, the writer is going to argue that the global-type LD child is also capable of understanding and employing multiplication as long as he goes through a learning process of 'Real World', 'World of Models', 'World of Schemas', and 'World of Mathematics.' The current results confirm that meaningful learning, such as the Suido-Method, is more effective than rote learning, such as drill-and-practice lessons. The difficulties manifested in the learning-phases of addition and subtraction are also observed in the learning-phase of multiplication. The difficulties that the subject child faces are helpful for teachers to plan lessons for LD children. It is also observed again that the learning process according to theGeneral-to-Particulardiagram deepens children's understanding. Furthermore,slow-learningshown by the subject child suggests a possibility to develop another curriculum in Mathematics education., 紀要論文}, pages = {77--91}, title = {学習障害サスペクト児の数学学習(事例研究)III : 数学学習の可能性と学習困難}, year = {2000} }