@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003785, author = {渡久山, 章 and 新垣, 保 and Tokuyama, Akira and Arakaki, Tamotsu}, issue = {50}, journal = {琉球大学理学部紀要, Bulletin of the College of Science. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Oct}, note = {Yassa Island is situated in the Nakama River natural conservation region. Road was constructed to the island in 1964. Since the construction, water has been exchanged between outside and inside of the road through three culverts buried under of road. Mangrove death is spread in the inside of creek. Reasons of death of mangrove should be clarified. For the first step, tidal and water level, water temperature and chemical composition of water were measured in outside and inside of the creek. The following results are obtained: 1) The variation of water level between ebb and flow in inside of the creek is small relative to that in outside. 2) In inside of the creek, when inflow is larger than outflow, mangrove plants are submerged during a long time. However, when outflow is larger than inflow, they are dried during a long time. 3) The periods when mangrove plants are submerged or dried were calculated. 4) The variation of Cl^- concentration is less in inside of the creek than in outside of the creek. 5) Saturation degree of DO and pH are low, and concentration of H_2S is high in inside water of the creek compared with in outside water. 6) Water volume and depth at low tide were calculated in inside of the creek., 紀要論文}, pages = {15--30}, title = {マングローブ林の物理的・化学的環境 (1) -道路で仕切られた入江の水環境 (1)-}, year = {1990} }