@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003896, author = {She, Jiyun and Chen, Caihong and Shinzato, Takakazu and Takashima, Atsushi and Wu, Lichao and 佘, 済雲 and 陳, 彩虹 and 新里, 孝和 and 高橋, 敦史 and 呉, 立潮}, issue = {54}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {Pine and broad-leaved mixed forests play a very important role in holding water and conserving soil, and are good management patterns in the construction of the shelter forest system in the middle and upper reaches of the Changjiang River. This paper was aimed at determining the water holding and soil conservation capacities of the different components of pine and broad-leaved mixed forests (trees, shrubs, herbs, litter and forest soil). Based on the 3-10 years of investigation data at our study plots, we found that this kind of mixed forest has a complicated stand structure, with strong water holding capacity and soil conserving characteristics. The forest litter layer was shown to effectively absorb and hold rainfall, and its saturated water absorbing capacity reached 180% - 296%. Moreover, the water holding capacity of the forest soil was shown to increase with increasing forest litter, enhancing the maximum amount of water held at a depth of 1m of soil (4,505 - 5,752 t/ha). The saturated water absorbing capacity of the forest canopy layer reached 94% - 482%, and the water holding capacity of the soil was shown to be remarkably different between different types of parent rock, being optimal on slate and shale. The water holding and soil conserving capacity of the various forest-soil communities was further studied. Then we proposed a mathematical model for predicting and evaluating the water and soil conservation status of pine and broad-leaved mixed forests., 松広葉樹混合林は、河川域の保水機能や土壌保全機能などの役割を果しており、中国の長江上・中流域における森林管理および保護に関する施業方法はきわめて重要である。本研究は、松広葉樹混合林の異なる構成種(高木性樹種、潅木性樹種、草本植物ハーブ)およびリター、森林土壌による保水能、土壌保全機能の管理方法を知ることを目的とした。研究プロットの3-10年間の調査データから、松広葉樹混合林は複雑な林分構造を持ち、高い保水能力と土壌保全機能を有することがわかった。森林のリター層は雨水の効果的な吸収と保水力を示し、飽和吸水能は180%~296%に達した。さらに、森林土壌の保水能は森林リターを増加にともなって増大し、1mの土壌深で保持される最大水盤は4,505~5,752t/haであった。森林の林冠層の飽和吸水能は94%~482%に達した。土壌の保水能は母岩の種類によって著しく異なり、粘板岩と頁岩の土壌が最適だった。各種森林土壌の保水能と土壌保全機能について研究を遂行し、松広葉樹混交林の水土保全機能の予測と評価のための数学的モデルを考案した。, 紀要論文}, pages = {15--22}, title = {The water holding and soil conserving capacity of pine and broad-leaved mixed forests in the middle and upper reaches of the Changjiang River}, year = {2007} }