@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003954, author = {田村, 公子 and Tamura, Kimiko}, journal = {留学生教育 : 琉球大学留学生センター紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {本稿では,宮沢賢治が「法華経」に帰依するきっかけとなったものは,島地大等著『漢和對照妙法蓮華經』であることを主張する。具体的には,以下のことを指摘する。(1)大等の「大乗起信論」講義と『漢和對照妙法蓮華經』の解説が,賢治を「法華経」に開眼させた。(2~6節)(2)『漢和對照妙法蓮華經』の解説中の日蓮への言及が,賢治に日蓮への関心を抱かしめた。(8節)(3)その結果,「浄土門」への懐疑が生じ,日蓮の「唱題」を選ぶようになった。(7節)(4)大等と賢治の「大乗起信論」の理解の仕方に相違がある。(9節), In this paper I argue that Daito Shimaji'sChinese-Japanese Myohorengekyocaused Kenji Miyazawa to become a belieber in The Lotus Sutra. On the following 4 points I'll prove that my argument is right. (1) Daito's lecture onThe Awakening of Faithand his explanations of The Lotus Sutra helped Kenji to understand the meaning of The Lotus Sutra. (2) Daito's affirmative reference to Nichiren in the explanations of this Sutra awoke Kenji's interest in Nichiren. (3) This was one of the reasons why Kenji became skeptical about the Jodo-Sect and chose thenamu-myohorengekyo (Glory to the Holy Sutra of the Lotus of the Supreme Law). (4) Kenji interpretedThe Awakening of Faithdifferent from Daito., 紀要論文}, pages = {23--39}, title = {島地大等が宮沢賢治に与えた影響}, volume = {2}, year = {2005} }