@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003961, author = {金城, かおり and Kinjo, Kaori}, journal = {留学生教育 : 琉球大学留学生センター紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {「地域特性と国際性を併せ持つ大学」を基本理念に掲げ,琉球大学では国際交流の推進,学生交流の推進に努めている。留学生の受入れは,留学生に対する教育研究だけではなく,日本人学生にとっての異文化理解教育,更にはキャンパスの国際化,国際人としての人材育成の上でも大変有意義なことである。琉球大学では,学部に在籍する留学生数が少ないことから,学部レベルの留学生増加を目指して留学生受入れ体制の見直し,入学試験制度の改善を行った。主な改善点は,日本留学試験の活用と渡日前入学許可制度の導入である。ここでは,琉球大学における留学生受入れの現状,入試制度改善及び留学生受入れ推進のための取り組み,そして今後の課題について考察する。, Based on the fundamental principle of the university,the university with local and global features, our university has been promoting international exchanges, including student exchanges. Accepting international students to the university gives great opportunities to Japanese students to deepen their cultural understanding, and it is very meaningful to foster internationally-minded individuals. Since there are relatively few international students in the undergraduate programs, comparing to the graduate schools, the university reviewed the entrance examination and admission systems and decided to reform those systems by using the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU) in order to accept more international students to the undergraduate programs. Moreover, eight departments in the Faculties of Law and Letters, Engineering, and Agriculture decided to utilize the Pre-arrival Admission system and offer the admission to overseas applicants without coming to Japan. After reforming the entrance examination and admission systems, the number of international students admitted to the undergraduate programs is slightly increasing. In order to take advantage of this new systems and give overseas applicants more opportunities to study at our university, we have to make efforts to carry out effective information activities for overseas by, for example, advertising and making effective use of the internet., 紀要論文}, pages = {35--43}, title = {日本留学試験の活用と渡日前入学許可導入への取り組み}, volume = {3}, year = {2006} }