@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02004313, author = {宗前, 清貞 and Somae, Kiyosada}, issue = {6}, journal = {政策科学・国際関係論集 = Review of policy science and international relations}, month = {Mar}, note = {本稿では、我が国で初めて県レベルで条例に基づく行政評価制度を導入した宮城県を事例に、行政評価という新しい行政改革がいかなる要因によって進展したかを分析する。宮城県では前知事の任期中の逮捕と新知事就任まもなく発覚した公費不正支出問題というふたつのスキャンダルを経験した。また、行政評価制度の導入という点では先進自治体ではなかった同県が、いかにして条例制定に進んだかという経緯を明らかにする。その上で、行政評価制度それ自体の透明性を高めるためには、情報公開の延長としての特質が必要であることを明確にする。, Nowadays most of prefectures and cities exercise program evaluations but Miyagi's system is the unique attempt since the system is based upon Miyagi Prefectural Act of Administrative Evaluation of 2002, which is the first local act for program evaluation. \nGovernor Asano of Miyagi, famous for his "Reformist" reputation, first won his campaign in 1993 when ex-Governor arrested for alleged corruption. A year later, he faced another big political problem: illegal expenditure in Government's sections and departments. Miyagi Government energetically tried to recover its damaged image mainly through actions for information disclosure, but was not so much eager to promote policy evaluation in late 90s when Mie Government, in which another famous Reformist governor took office, started the first trial among prefectures for policy evaluation. This article tries to draw a picture of process how the Government had taken steps for the Act for the first time in country's history and to clarify how and why a latecomer succeeded becoming a front-runner, To conclude, evaluation systems should be a part of disclosure after my analysis of Miyagi's case study., 紀要論文}, pages = {57--86}, title = {行政評価導入の政治過程 ~スキャンダルの遺産と行政改革~}, year = {2003} }