@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02005124, author = {赤嶺, 有平 and 遠藤, 聡志 and 山田, 孝治 and Akamine, Yuhei and Endo, Satoshi and Yamada, Koji}, issue = {65}, journal = {琉球大学工学部紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {Cellular Automata (CA) is a method for analyzing complex phenomena such as road traffic and turbulence. When we design a CA model, we need a CA simulator for verification of the model. However, at the present, we need to use a trial and error method using the simulator for design of local rules, which. determines behavior of the model. In this study, we have developed an interpreter type simulator for making the design of local rules easy. If a user uses the system, the user can instantly confirm the CA models by only descripting the local rule with dedicated language we designed. When a user change the rules, the system reflects the changes immediately. Additionally, a user can modify a rule dramatically since the system interprets a rule description language in runtime. Furthermore, a user can change variable parameters using GUI interfaces. When a user iterates to change local rules, the user sometimes make a conflictive conditional statement in the description of a local rule. This conflict is far from seeking generally. Our system detects such a conflict automatically and notifies it to users as an error., 紀要論文}, pages = {31--38}, title = {セルオートマトン近傍則設計のためのインタプリタ型シミュレータの開発}, year = {2003} }