@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02005213, author = {根路銘, もえ子 and 遠藤, 聡志 and 山田, 孝治 and 宮城, 隼夫 and Nerome, Moeko and Endo, Satoshi and Yamada, Koji and Miyagi, Hayao}, issue = {61}, journal = {琉球大学工学部紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {In this paper, we introduce a competitive co-evolution algorithm with a packaging solutions to solve the problem. This algorithm was proposed by us to a problem which doesn't have the optimal solution. In the case to solve such the problem, it needs to decide a set of effective solutions as the best solution. Our algorithm has two characteristics. The one is minimization of the number of individuals in the set by extraction of the complemental solutions. The other is evaluating solutions in some continued generations by setting a life-time to an individual. We apply the proposal method to the Tsume-shogi game in order to investigate its effectiveness. Furthermore, we analyze the process of the set formation. In the simulation results, our method can acquire the complemental strategies and shows a better performance than a conventional method., 紀要論文}, pages = {97--103}, title = {解のパッケージ化競合共進化アルゴリズムの詰将棋への適用}, year = {2001} }