@techreport{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02005453, author = {中村, 宗一 and Nakamura, Soichi}, month = {Mar}, note = {科研費番号: 02640542, 平成2年度~平成4年度科学研究費補助金(一般研究(C))研究報告書, 研究概要:色素体の核様体の数が正常な株のそれよりも5倍の約50を持つ、核様体の形態の異常な1株を前回、分離した。そこでこの株の分析を行った結果、核様体の持つ葉緑体当りの全DNA量は、正常株のそれの約5倍であった。また、母性遺伝の直接の原因は、雌雄配偶子の接合直後の接合子内での雄由来葉緑体核の選択的消化であると考えている。そこでこの変異株を雄親に用いた時の、選択的消化の頻度を、時間を追って計測した。正常株では、接合後5時間での頻度は、95% であったが、変異株では80%と低かった。遺伝解析を行ったところ、この変異株は1遺伝子変異を持つことがわかった。選択的消化が遅れる変異があると考えられる。上記の変異株の祖先株を検索したところ、新たに正常株の持つ核様体数の約3倍を持つ1株を分離できた。核様体の葉緑体当りの全DNA量は正常株のそれの約 3倍であった。この株を雄配偶子に用いた時の選択的消化の頻度は85%であった。この株も母性遺伝の変異株と考えられる。遺伝解析の結果、この株も1遺伝子変異を持つが、変異は上記変異株の部位内か、それに隣接しているものと考えられる。さらに、正常株よりも少ない核葉体数1-2個を持つ核葉体の形態異常の2株を分離した。遺伝解析の結果、これらの株は、1遺伝子変異を持つことが分かった。詳しい解析は現在継続中である。選択的消化の頻度は用いた親株の老化が進むにつれ低くなるが母性遺伝が正常に起こる事を考えると、今回の実験では選択的消化の頻度がそれほど低くないので色素体核の持込みDNA量に関わらず選択的消化が起こると考えられる。この事から、核葉体の持込みDNA量の多い親の形質を子孫に伝えるとする考えを否定でると考える。, 研究概要:Maternal inheritance is a phenomenon that the characteristics of plastids of only maternal parent are transmitted to all progenies. Therefore we attempted to isolate mutants which have morphologically abnormal characteristics of plastid or plastid nucleoids (pt nucleoids). Two mutant cells (m-1, 2), having about 20 and 50 of plastid nucleoids, respectively, were isolated. Their numbers of pt nucleoids were about two and five times that of wild type cells, respectively. From the physiological analysis, total DNA contents of pt nucleoids per plastid were two and five times that of a wild type cell. Preferential digestion of pt nucleoids derived from a male parent in newly formed young zygotes is thought to be the primary cause of the phenomenon of maternal inheritance of plastids. Usually the frequency of preferential digestion is 100% in the zygotes at 5 h. after crossing between two parents of wild type cells. However, the frequency was 85% in the zygotes when a m-1 cell was used as female parent to cross to a male parent of wild type cell. In the zygotes when a m-2 cell was used as the female parent, the frequency was 80%. Genetic analysis showed that each of two mutants had one gene mutation. Two mutations isolated in the present experiment were probably linked because no tetra type tetrads were obtained among 31 tetrads after crossing between two mutant cells. Contrarily, two mutant cells (m-3, 4), having small pt nucleoid number, were isolated. Genetic analysis showed that they had one gene mutation. The results obtained from m-1 and m-2 mutant cells probably indicate that the preferential digestion of pt nucleoids in zygotes derived from these mutants requires a longer period because the frequencies of preferential digestion were not low. This suggests that maternal inheritance occurs independently on the DNA amount of pt nucleoids and opposes a proposal that one of parents having more DNA amount of pt nucleoids can transmit to its plastid characteristics to all progenies., 未公開:P.4以降(別刷論文のため), 研究報告書}, title = {クラミドモナスの変異株における母性遺伝機構の蛍光顕微鏡による分子形態学的解析}, year = {1993} }