@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02005814, author = {琉球大学教育学部体育研究室 and Physical Education Department}, issue = {4}, journal = {研究集録}, note = {本調査は,本学々生の最近5ヶ年間における身体発育の実態を総合的に考察し,学生指導の参考資料を得るため,1955年~1959年の5ヶ年に亘り,身長・体重・胸閉・座高について,定期的に測定した資料について,考察を加えた.これを総括して示せば次の通りである.\n1 身長は男女とも逐年増加の傾向がみられるが,本土の学生と比較すると,いづれも著しく劣っている.\n2 体重は男女とも逐年増加の傾向がみられる.\n3 胸国においては,本土に比べて男女とも殆んど差がみられないが,むしろ,女子においては本学が優位にある.\n4 座高についても,本土との差はみられない.\n5 要するに,本学々生の体格は,明らかに農村型の発育過程を示している.特に女\n子学生については,典型的な沖縄女性の体型といわれる長胴短脚である., The data of this report include the measurements of four physical dimensions,\nheight, weight, chest circumference and sitting height, of the University of the\nRyukyus students enrolled during five years between 1955 and 1959. Following\nobservations were made from the data:\n1. Both men and women show a tendency to become taller, but in comparison\nwith their Japanese counterparts both sexes are markedly shorter.\n2. Both sexes tend to become heavier.\n3. In chest circumference both sexes show practically no differences when compared with their Japanese counterparts. In the case of the women the University of the Ryukyus students appear even to be slightly larger.\n5. In sitting height there are no differences between Okinawan and Japanese\nyouths.\nIn short, the physical development of the University of the Ryukyus stuents\nshows a developmental pattern similar to that of the farm youth. In the case of\nwomen, they show clearly a type with a long trunk and short legs which has been regarded to be the typical anatomical type of Okinawan females., 紀要論文}, pages = {83--91}, title = {琉球大学々生の体格について} }