@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02005816, author = {小橋川, 寛 and 大城, 実 and 新里, 紹正 and 比嘉, 徳政 and 外間, 政太郎 and 宮城, 勇 and 内間, 千恵子 and Kobashigawa, Hiroshi and Oshiro, Minori and Shinzato, Shousei and Higa, Tokumasa and Hokama, Seitarou and Miyagi, Isamu and Uchima, Chieko}, issue = {4}, journal = {研究集録}, note = {An attempt was made in order to make a comparison of motor fitness\nbetween Okinawan and Japanese school children by synchronizing a survey in\nOkinawa to the one in Japan. The procedures adopted in both surveys are those\nof the Association of American Health, Physical Education and Recreation (AAHPER),\nand they include the measurements of the following seven motor abilities:\nchin-up, sit·up, shuttle race, standing broad jump, 50-yard dush, soft-ball throw,\nand 600-yard run/walk.\nFollowing samples were drawn from the respective school populations: 1, 185\nelementary school children, 1,276 junior high school students, and 1, 140 senior\nhigh school students. The motor abilities were measured simultaneously both in\nOkinawa and Japan between May and June, 1959. The main findings of the\npresent study are as follows:\n1. Chin.up Okinawan boys are superior to their Japanese counterparts, but\nno differences were found in the case of girls.\n2. Standing brood jump Japanese boys are superior to Okinawan boys, but\npractically no differences were found in the case of girls.\n3. Soft-ball throw Japanese children are slightly superior to Okinawan children.\n4. Shutile race Japanese boys are slightly superior to Okinawan boys, but\npractically no differences were found in the case of girls.\n5. Sit-up, 50-yard dush, and 600-yard run/walk In abilities in these areas Japanese\nchildren are clearly superior to Okinawan children.\nThe above findings were discussed in terms of differences in physical development\nand various educational variables which are believed to be related to the motor development., 紀要論文}, pages = {65--81}, title = {運動能力の比較的研究 - 沖縄・本土青少年のちがいについて -} }