@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02005821, author = {小橋川, 寛 and 大城, 実 and 新里, 紹正 and 比嘉, 徳政 and 外間, 政太郎 and 宮城, 勇 and 香村, 千恵子 and Kobashigawa, Hiroshi and Oshiro, Minori and Shinzato, Shousei and Higa, Tokumasa and Hokama, Seitarou and Miyagi, Isamu and Kamura, Chieko}, issue = {3}, journal = {研究集録}, note = {この調査は,沖縄本島を中心とした,小学校,中学校,高等学校の児童生徒の運動能力と運動素質の実態が,年令によってどのように発達し,変化するものであるかを知ると同時に,性による差異,全国学徒との相異を調査して学習指導上の科学的基礎資料を得るためのもので,種目は50m疾走,立巾跳,ソフトボール投,懸垂,垂直跳,敏捷性テストの6種目である。これを小学校1,825人,中学校2,192人,高等学校2,624人に対し,1956年4月より1958年5月に\n至る3年間,各年次を追うて小,中,高校の順に測定を実施して次のような結果を得た。\n1.男子は本調査の何れの境目においても,常に女子に優っている。\n2.運動能力の年間発達の旺盛な時期は,男子においては,13才~15才間の背年期である。\n3.女子運動能力の年間発達の旺盛な時期は,児童期であるが,12才~14才頃は年間発達の減退する時期である。\n4.本調査の測定種目においては,12才頃から性差は著しくなる。\n5. 男女とも,各年次を通じ,50m疾走,立巾跳,ソフトボール投の各沖縄平均は,全国平均に劣っているが,中でも50m疾走は,男女とも最も劣っているといえよう。\n6.男子垂直跳は,全国平均水準にあるものといえよう。\n7.男子懸垂は.15才頃から全国平均水準にあるようである。\n8.敏捷性テスト(Burpee test)は,男子では中学校二年次,女子は中学校三年次まで,全国平均水準,或はそれ以上にあるが,それ以後は下降憤向を示している。, The present study was conducted to investigate general motor abilities of boys and girls from primary school through high school on Okinawa. General motor abilities included in the present research are 50 meters dash, standing broad jump, soft-ball throwing, chining, the Sargent jump, and the Burpee test. The overall measuring period lasted from April, 1956 to May, 1958. The obtained data were discussed in terms of (1) the developmental trends of general motor abilities, (2) sex differences in general motor abilities, and (3) the differences between the obtained results of the present study and those age norms developed in Japan. \nMajor findings were as follows:\n1. In all age groups, buys were significantly superior to girls in every motor ability that was tested in the present study.\n2. In boys, the most conspicuous increase was found between the age of 13 and 15 in every motor ability that the investigators tested.\n3. In girls, the most conspicuous increase was found between the age of 8 and 11. In contrast to boys, the decrement was found in motor ability between the age of 12 and 15 among girls.\n4. The sex difference in every motor ability that was tested in the present study was shown to become more apperent from the age of 12.\n5. In both sexes from primary school level through the high school level, mean scores of 50 meter dash standing broad jump, and soft-ball throwing were significantly inferior to the age norms developed in Japan. The most remarkable difference was found in 50 meter dash in both sexes.\n6. The mean scores of boys in the Sargent jump were on the same level of norms obtained in Japan.\n7. The mean scores of boys in chining reached the norms developed in Japan at the age of 15.\n8. The mean scores on the Burpee test were on the same level with, or above, the norms developed in Japan until the 8th grade for the boys and the 9th grade for the girls, and then the mean scores tended to become lower than the norms of Japan., 紀要論文}, pages = {30--65}, title = {学徒運動能力の実態調査 - 沖縄本島を中心として -} }