@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02005827, author = {渡久地, 政一 and Toguchi, Seiichi}, issue = {5}, journal = {研究集録}, note = {The present report consists of four Ryukyuan folk songs arranged by the writer for choral quartets. The original themes were adopted as they are so as not to, as far as possible, alter the moods of the original folk songs. Included are the following\nfour songs:\n1. Danju Kariyushi\n2. Tinsagu nu hana\n3. Sakabaru kuduchi\n4. Yunabaru bushi, 紀要論文}, pages = {83--101}, title = {琉球民謡を主題とする混声四部合唱曲} }