@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02005839, author = {阿波根, 直誠 and Ahagon, Chokusei}, issue = {7}, journal = {研究集録}, note = {Pestalozzi, in his inqiries ("My Inquiries into the Course of Nature in the Development of Mankind","Mine Nachforschungen über den Gang der Natur in der Entwicklung des Menschengeschlechts, 1797. "), analyzes 2. human being into three states or stages; namely, natural state, social state, and moral state. These states correspond to the stages of human growth, that is, childhood,adolescence and adulthood respectively. Though these states are thus distinguishable,they are closely interrelated to constitute the complete nature of humanity. It is difficult to interpret such stages of human existence as stated in Pestalolzzi's Inquiries, and it has given rise to some different interpretations\nas to his view of man among his students.\n Pestalozzi sometimes uses the term "Mittelzustand" "intermediate state" to explain the state of human existence. But the term does not mean some other state of humanity to be listed in addition to the three stages mentioned above. It\nis rather the term that describes the state of man as a whole. This conception of human existence as an intermediate state is a very important aspect of Pestalozzi's thought. It seems, however, that this conception has been overlooked\namong his students. paying their attention mostly to Pestalozzi's analysis of the above mentioned three states of man. There is offen found some misunderstanding among his students as to this conception of intermediate state, for some of them have mistakingly identified the state with "Mittelstand" (middle-class). I can not agree, also, with those who explain this intermediate state as nothing but a midway between natural state (animal innocence) and moral state (pure morality),\nor between soul and body. According to Pestalozzi, there is, in fact, no pure morality possible on earth. Such an idea is contrary to the constitution of man's nature in which the natural, the social and the moral powers exist not separated\nfrom each other but in close interrelationship. This is, I think, a key to understanding Pestalozzi's view of man expounded in his Inquiries.\n In this thesis, I intend to interpret the so-called "intermediate state" setting it in the process in which the three states struggle against each other and yet develop together and dynamically. In this very process, then, I will also try to\nunderstand what Pestalolzzi calls "Dasein." We can hardly understand his concept of man stated in his Inquiries. without paying more attention to his view of the intermediate states.\n Here I can only point out where the problems are and give a brief description of Pestalozzi's idea of the intermediate state of man. In the next paper, I will try to dicuss the nature of this state more in detail, taking its historical and social background into account., 紀要論文}, pages = {25--40}, title = {ペスタロッチーの人間観についての基礎的考察(1) -『探究』における「中間的状態」"Mitterlzustand"を中心として-} }