@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02006611, author = {鎮西, 忠茂 and Chinzei, Tadashige}, issue = {2}, journal = {琉球大学農家政学部学術報告, Science bulletin of Agriculture & Home Economics Division, University of the Ryukyus}, note = {In teaching and research activities concerning soils, we feel keenly the need for soil profile specimens. However, the ordinary profile sampling method is inconvenient because the specimens made by this method are difficult to handle. I have attempted to make light specimens which are easy to handle and carry. The method of Smith and Moodie as well as that of Lynd fulfill my requirements. Therefore, I tried to devise several soil profile specimens using the basic methods of those authors but with less equipments and slight modifications to their techniques. The procedures of this method are summarized as follows: The exposed soil profile is sprayed with a dilute solution (8%) of cellulose acetate in acetone and then backed by double layers of cheese cloth or bleached cotton cloth with a thick solution (20%) of cellulose acetate in aceton. The profile is then removed from the bank. The excess soil is removed from the specimen. It is then allowed to dry. The prepared soil profile is fixed on the board by pouring over it a 10% solution of vinylite resin in acetone. I did not use a thick solution of cellulose acetate in acetone to glue the profile to a board. To reduce the sheen, the specimen was sprayed with a small amount of amyl acetate instead of methyl isobutyl keton because the latter chemical was not available. The finished specimens present not only a good profile appearance but also are very convenient to handle because their lightness. Accordingly, it is possible to hang them on the wall. Cost of materials is too high to make many specimens on this island. If materials could be supplied on this island as cheap as in the United States, this method would be recommended to make soil profile specimens. If the soil profile is taken when the moisture content of the soil is very high, the specimen will shrink considerably during drying. Consequently, this spoils its appearance. Therefore, it is desirable to take the soil profile when the moisture content of the soil is as low as possible., 紀要論文}, pages = {119--125}, title = {土層標本作製試験1} }