@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02006691, author = {Koyama, Tetsuo and 小山, 鐵夫}, issue = {3}, journal = {琉球大学文理学部紀要 理学篇}, note = {A Japanese grass commonly called Microstegium nudum A. Camus was separated into two distinct species by Dr. Ohwi in 1942. From various descriptions of M. nudum, he accommodated this epithet to a plant of which one of a pair of spikelets is quite non-pedicelled. Then he adopted the epithet M. japonicum for another plant of which both of the pair of spikelets are pedicelled, but since the original description given by Miquel is too simple we can not determine whether his application of name is correct without seeing the type. Recently at my request, Mr Kern of Leiden was kind enough to inform me about Miquelian type of Pollinia japonica quite in detail, and now Dr. Ohwi's application is proved to be right. The type specimen collected in Tokyo by the Late Keiske Ito, has a pair of spikelets both distinctly pedicelled. I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Kern and to Dr. Ding Hou who kindly copied for me the Keiske's original label written in Chinese characters. This time I unite the genus Microstegium to the genus Eulalia as O. Kuntze and Hitchcock did. The difference between the two genera is very slight; the length of leaf blades and the state of the basal part of culm only. The correct names of the Japanese species of the genus Microstegium which should be used when Microstegium\nis included in Eulalia,are shown in this article., 紀要論文}, pages = {78--80}, title = {ササガヤの学名に就いて} }