@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02006696, author = {当真, 嗣徳 and 石川, 順正 and Tôma, Shitoku and Ishikawa, Junsei}, issue = {4}, journal = {琉球大学文理学部紀要 理学篇}, note = {Visible absorption spectra were taken between 420 and 520 millimicrons in various temperatures with the aqueous solution of p-Quinone, Hydroquinone and these mixtures. We have done a comparative study of equilibrium constants for reactions which were determineded by Bensi and Hilde Brand's, Nagakura's and other methods. According to the method and datas of Benesi and Hilde Bralld's, we obtained the heat of reaction and the entropy change as 5377 cal/mole and -18.18 e.u/mole respectively., 紀要論文}, pages = {11--25}, title = {キンヒドロン生成における反応熱測定について 熱力学的諸量の分光化学的研究(第二報)} }