@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02006855, author = {宮城, 正夫 and 工藤, 規雄 and 杉村, 誠 and 古畑, 北雄 and 高畑, 倉彦 and Miyagi, Masao and Kudo, Norio and Sugimura, Makoto and Furuhata, Kitao and Takahata, Kurahiko}, issue = {9}, journal = {琉球大学農家政工学部学術報告, The science bulletin of the Division of Agriculture, Home Economics & Engineering, University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {腎における血管分布の宗族発生的研究の一環として沖縄産 Trimeresurus floviridis flaviridis(Hallowell)ハブ,Trimeresurus okinavensis Boulengerヒメハブについて観察した。1)ハブ類の腎は前後に細長で、右腎が左腎よりも前方に偏在し、左右腎共に多数の小葉から形成される。2)腎動脈は腹部大動脈から分枝後、直接小葉間動脈となって小葉に入るものもあるが、腎動脈が弓動脈状に腎門部を前後に走り、その分枝が小葉間動脈となって2次的に小葉に入るものもある。3)小葉間動脈は放射状あるいは筆毛状を呈して、さらに多数の小枝に分岐、その枝から多数の腎糸球体輸入細動脈が分出する。4)腎の内外両側には前後走する静脈が著明である。5)腎糸球体輸入細動脈は極めて太く長いのが特徴的である。いわゆる輸入細動脈の腎糸球体前膨大所見はみられない。6)腎糸球体輸出細動脈は毛細管網を形成せずに、直接sinusoid状静脈網にそそぐ。また小葉間動脈あるいはその分枝で、腎糸球体を形成せずにその末梢がsinusoid状静脈網に入るものもある。7)腎糸球体は体重に比較して極めて大きいが、末梢性のものはやや小さい傾向がある。8)腎糸球体の形は、高さの低い前後に長い情円体のものが大部分であり、このことはくさがめ、じむぐり、しまへびのものに似ている。9)ハブ類腎糸球体は、2半球性構造、内外2重脈管層構造、小葉構造を呈せず、不規則な1層性脈管層構造である。10)腎糸球体の少ループ性、そのループの極めて太い点が特徴的で、他の爬虫綱動物のものとともにカエルのものに近似する。11)爬虫綱腎動脈の微細走向様式はmetanephros性腎の中では、鳥網のものとともに最も原始的であり、宗族発生的にみてmesonephros性腎の両棲綱のものに近い傾向がある。, Studies on the vascular arrangement in the The Trimeresurus kidney. As a link in the chain of phylogenetic studies on the arrangement of renal blood vessels using a Neoprene-latex cast, the authors observed the arteries of the kidney of Trimeresurus flavoviridis flavoviridis (Hallowell) and Trimeresurus okinavensis Boulenger native to okinawa Island. The long and slender kidneys Trimeresurus consist of many lobes; the right kidneys were found to be situated more to the cranical side than the left ones. Some Aa. renales which started from Aorta abdominalis directly take changed from as Aa. interlobulares renis, but others run forward or backward on the hilus region as A.arciformis those branches turned into Aa.interlobulares renis. Aa.interlobulares branched off into many twigs radially or in groups, and many afferent arterioles of glomeruli occurred from those twigs. The distinct veins which ran forward or backward were found on medial and lateral sides alongside the kidneys of Trimeresurus. The afferent arterioles of glomeruli were remarkably thick and long, and there was detected no so-called juxta-glomerular swellings. The efferent arterioles of glomeruli did not divide into capillary nets, but they stretched singly up to the sinusoid venous nets. The glomeruli of Trimeresurus were extremely large, but in the terminal portion they were comparatively smaller in size. The forms of glomeruli were ellipsoid, low in height and long in length; such tendency is similar to that of the glomeruli Geoclemys reevsii (Gray), Elaphe conspicillata (Boie) and Elaphe quadrivirgata (Boie) etc. The structures and arrangements of vessels in glomeruli of Trimeresurus were those of socalled singlelayered-glomerular kidneys without two-semispherical-structures, double-Iayeredstructures and lobule-structures. The relatively smaller number of loops of glomeruli and remarkable thickness of each one were distinctly noticed compared with those of mannals; the structures were similar to those of the kidneys of frogs and other Reptilia. The authorsproposed to consider that the fine vascular arrangement of kidney of Reptilia are phylogenetically to be treated as the most primitive structures in metanephros., Plate:I-V, 紀要論文}, pages = {288--294}, title = {ハブ類の腎の動脈について}, year = {1962} }