@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02006863, author = {Higa, Yoshio and 比嘉, 良夫}, issue = {11}, journal = {琉球大学理工学部紀要. 理学編, Bulletin of Science & Engineering Division, University of Ryukyus. Mathematics & natural sciences}, month = {May}, note = {Heat transfer coefficients in laminar flow of molasses and The rheological constant were conducted on this investigation. The The rheological constant"n" and viscosity of molasses were obtained from the results of this experiments, also the heat conductivity and specific heats are came up from the results on this investigation.\nFor the flow of molasses, the following equations were obtained as the results of this experiments:(数式については省略), 紀要論文}, pages = {17--27}, title = {Study on the Rheological Behavior for Molasses}, year = {1968} }