@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02006905, author = {池原, 真一 and Ikehara, Shin-ichi}, issue = {5}, journal = {琉球大学農家政工学部学術報告, The science bulletin of the Division of Agriculture, Home Economics & Engineering, University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {Some of the results of the study of situations prevalent in sugar cane producing farms in K Buraku (section), Haebaru son (village), Southern Okinawa are presented in this report. This study was made in Aug. of 1956 and March of 1957. First, in order to obtain general knowledge about the Buraku and the son, environmental conditions (mainly in respect to natural and social aspects) and general farm situations were studied from the data collected by the son office. Interviewing procedures were used for the twenty farmers to secure the needed information in analyzing the farms. An analysis on costs and returns in producing sugar cane and sugar was not presented in this report, as there were many doubtful points to be studied further. The detailed analysis on crop rotations was also not presented in the report. As soon as the studies on the costs, returns, and crop rotations are completed, the results will be reported. Since 1,955 the yield of paddy rice, the main crop of the Ryukyu Islands, has exceeded the peak pre-war year of 1940, both in total yearly yield and in yield per tan (1/4 acre). The acreage under cultivation for sugar cane, the main cash crop of the Ryukyu Islands, will never be as large as that of pre-war time, because the total cultivated acreage of the Islands was reduced conciderably after the war. The same thing will hold true regarding total yield of sugar cane. The average yield per tan is not as much as the pre-war level. Since it has been possible to increase the yield per tan of paddy rice above the pre-war peak, the same improvement of sugar cane production should have been possible. This report tried to clarify the causes which made the average yield per tan in sugar cane stagnant. The area of K was selected as the most appropriate one to study, because of the increase in yield per tan was remarkable in this section after the war. The study showed that the increase in the yield per tan was supported only by greater tnan average applications of commercial fertilizers. Although these farmers have gained increased yields through greater than average use of commercial fertilizers, it should be noted that the yield is maintained through the proper use of both organic fertilizers (such as, green manure and animal manure) and covercrops., 紀要論文}, pages = {154--177}, title = {甘庶作地帯の農業経営 沖繩南部地区南風原村K部落における調査}, year = {1958} }