@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02007104, author = {笹澤, 吉明 and 仲村, 朋恵 and 国吉, 大二郎 and 名嘉眞, 沙希 and 小浜, 敬子 and Sasazawa, Yosiaki and Nakamura, Tomoe and Kuniyoshi, Daijiro and Nakama, Saki and Kohama, Keiko}, issue = {78}, journal = {琉球大学教育学部紀要}, month = {Feb}, note = {沖縄県の中学3年生男女613名を対象に、学力と睡眠習慣及び他の生活習慣との関連を明らかにすることを目的に質問紙調査を行った。質問紙は、国語、数学、理科、社会、英語、体育の6教科の自己評価による学力の項目、睡眠時間、睡眠の質、唾眠習慣の規則性、睡眠に対する態度・評価、睡眠の満足度等の睡眠の項目、運動習慣、朝食摂取、読書時間、テレビ視聴時間等の生活習慣の項目、自尊意識、抑うつのメンタルヘルスの項目で構成されている。調査の結果、539名より有効回答を得た(有効回答率88%)。不眠症の有病率は23%であり、6時間未満の短眠者は9.5%、睡眠が不規則な者は5.6%、睡眠の質の悪い者は5.4%、睡眠の評価が低い者は6.6%、睡眠に満足していない者は1.3%であった。睡眠の規則性、睡眠の評価がポジティブな者ほど6教科全ての学力が高く、睡眠の満足度が高い者は国語、英語の学力が高く、短眠者ほど国語、社会、英語の文系教科の学力が低かった。質の良い睡眠は特に文系の学力を向上させる可能性が示唆された。, To clarify the relationship between school achievement and sleep and life-style among 3rd. grade junior high school student in Okinawa, the authors conducted a survey. The questionnaire consisted of self-rating school achievement for Japanese language, mathematics, science, social studies, English and physical education, sleep indexes such as total sleep time, sleep quality, regular sleep, attitude and value of sleep and sleep satisfaction, life-style indexes such as physical activity, regular breakfast, reading time and watching TV time, mental health indexes such as self-esteem and depression. Subjects were 613 students of junior high schools' 3rd. grade. We received 539 valid responses (88%). Results showed insomnia numbered 23%, short sleepers who slept less than 6 hours numbered 9.5%, irregular sleepers numbered 5.6%, poor quality sleepers numbered 5.4%, low value sleepers numbered 6.6% and not satisfied sleepers numbered 1.3%. Students who had regular sleep and positive value for sleep had a higher school achievement of all subjects compare than others. Students who had positive sleep satisfaction had a higher school achievement of Japanese language and English. Short sleeper had a lower school achievement of Japanese language, social studies and English. This study suggested that students' sleep quality may effect on a school achievement of the humanities., 紀要論文}, pages = {157--171}, title = {沖縄県の中学3年生における学力と睡眠習慣及び他の生活習慣との関連}, year = {2011} }