@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02007112, author = {平敷, 兼貴 and 糸村, 昌祐 and Heshiki, Kenki and Itomura, Shosuke}, issue = {5}, journal = {琉球大学理工学部紀要. 工学篇, Bulletin of Science & Engineering Division, University of the Ryukyus. Engineering}, month = {Mar}, note = {Compressive strength of cement-bonded and molasses added molds; 1) at room temperature, 2) at high temperature, 3) after exposed to high temperature, and 4) made of partially reused sand, were examined. Results were obtained as follows: (1)Though in case of a small quantity of molasses added, cement-bonded mold shows lower compressive strength than non molasses mold, when added molasses is increased to and over 3.5%, mold becomes stronger than non-molasses one. (2)Mold increases its compressive strength as its drying time is prolonged. It reaches enough strength for use as mold after 24 hours hardening at room temperature. (3)Mold at high temperature shows its peak strength at around 5000℃ after decreasing strength till at about 200℃. After peak, it decreases strength again as temperature is elevated. (4)Residual cempressive strength of coment-bonded mold cooled after exposing to high temperature shows like tendency of behavior as the strength during at high temperature, but this gives a difficulty in couapsibility of mold. (5)Mold made of sand mixed with reused sand of cement-bonded mold shows like behavior in strength as non-reused sand mold. As available cement remained in reused sand has a fair effect on the mold strength, so new addition of cement to mixed sand can be reduced by some amount. It is recommended to reuse the sand as much as possible for reducing mold cost., 紀要論文}, pages = {29--35}, title = {糖蜜を添加したセメント鋳型の強度についての研究}, year = {1972} }