@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02007455, author = {石原, 嘉人 and Ishihara, Yoshihito}, issue = {10}, journal = {留学生教育 : 琉球大学留学生センター紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {漢字圏の学生が日本語の漢字語彙を使用する際に母語の干渉による誤用が頻繁に生じることはよく知られている。本稿では「○○スル」 の形式をとる漢字語彙を対象に、中国語話者と韓国語話者に共通して見られる典型的な誤用を分析してその特徴を明らかにした。また、分析結果に基づいて381個の動詞を分類し、誤用を回避するための効率的な指導方法について考察した。, This paper suggests an effective introduction of SURU-verb which is composed of KANJI compounds for Chinese and Korean speakers. It is common knowledge that both Japanese and those languages mentioned have the same compounds. Even if the meaning of those compounds are almost the same, students of Chinese and Korean speech often cause mistakes; Such as confusion of word class, transitive or intransitive, and the choice of particles "wo", "ni", "to" and so on. The aim of this paper is to analyze the cause of confusion and argue the features of these mistakes, as well as making the list of 384 verbs depending on the result of the analysis. It suggests to be an effective introduction to avoid typical error that comes from grammatical differences between the Japanese language and the Chinese or Korean languages., 紀要論文}, pages = {1--16}, title = {漢字圏の学生に対する漢語スル動詞の導入}, year = {2013} }