@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02007458, author = {寺嶋, 芳江 and 根田, 仁 and 伊藤, 幸介 and Terashima, Yoshie and Neda, Hitoshi and Itoh, Kosuke}, issue = {59}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {To inventory mushroom species in the Main Islands and solitary islands of Okinawa, continuous and repeating surveys are required. As one of surveys, mushrooms were collected in Iriomote Island between October 19 and 21, 2010, to identify species. The broad-leaved forests with mostly Castanopsis sieboldii and Quercus miyagii were surveyed, and 40 mushrooms were collected. The 30 species were not identified and those species were considered to be tropical mushrooms., 沖縄本島および離島におけるきのこ相のインベントリーを作成するためには, 数多くの現地調査を継続的に重ねて行う必要がある. そのような調査の一環として, 八重山諸島の西表島において, 3名で2010年10月19日から3日間調査を行った. シイ, カシを主とする広葉樹林内において, 40点のきのこを収集した. その内, 30点は同定不可能であり, これらは熱帯性きのこの可能性が高かった., 紀要論文}, pages = {47--52}, title = {沖縄県西表島におけるきのこ調査(2010年)}, year = {2012} }